This morning I opened the email, and it simply said:
Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you. I love you!!!!!!!!
And my heart smiled. The email caught me off guard, but him thinking of me was no surprise. He's done it my entire life.
He thought about me when I wore pigtails and started every sentence with a question word. He patiently listened, even if he didn't always know the answer. He thought about me when he spent his vacations behind the steering wheel of a boat so that I could ski all day. He thought about me all those days when he let me play school with his staplers and highlighters when he should have been making loans to customers. He thought about me each morning when he woke me up with sweet tea and breakfast on my bathroom cabinet. But he never yelled to wake me up. He knew that a warm cloth on my eyes was the way to go. He thought about me when he carried my backpack downstairs and turned my car around in the driveway so I didn't have to worry about reverse. He thought about me when he delivered lunch from my favorite restaurants in high school, and he knew that an extra bag for the secretary made our plan go smoother! He thought about me when he sat in the stands at every game to watch me cheer, and I always knew he was the biggest fan in the crowd. He thought about me when he talked me through the tough days of my freshman year in college- the days where being far from him didn't come so easy. He thought about me when he mailed me a card EVERY day that first year... and I do mean EVERY day. He thought about me when I was making big choices about moving farther away from home and getting married. And he thought about me when he said yes to the greatest husband I could have asked for. He thought about me when adoption became our plan for growing our family, and he welcomed my two boys to our family with the same love he has for me. He thought about me when I packed those sweet boys up and our family moved half-way around the world. He still thinks of me every time he sends a package filled with all of our favorite things! And he thinks of me when he shops for plane tickets so we can see each other again.
But when I think of him, I'm reminded of one simple truth:
Every little girl should be so lucky to have a daddy that thinks of her- even little girls that are 32 years old!

Happy Father's Day to the greatest daddy I know. Thanks for always thinking of me. You are loved more than I could ever express in words.
After reading your blog for the past hour, you have now officially made me cry! Oh how we love our Daddys!!! So so much love to you guys!