1. Vegetable Wallahs- In India, there are a variety of men who bring carts down our road each day providing different services- milk, shoe repairs, and one of our favorites- vegatables! Each morning we hear him coming yelling and we look over the balcony to see what he has! Most days we buy potatoes, onions, carrots, cucumbers, and eggplants. Most days, our total runs us 50 rupees (Indian currency), 0r about $1.00. You can't beat that!

2. Getting to see a variety of wildlife roaming free. The other day we saw this sweet baby pig looking for its' mama. He was one unhappy little pig and it made Jack pretty sad! There are also some pretty big negatives to animals roaming the streets, but the boys seem to enjoy seeing them!

3. KFC- Seriously, the KFC in India is definitely better than the states. Jack can eat his weight in it!
4. Sweet reminders of how blessed I am.

This is one of the many children we see each day begging for money and food. I often wonder why she and I aren't in opposite places. She reminds me not only that I am blessed, but that I was blessed to bless others!
5. Storms that cool us off.

6. Reminders of Greg Reed's BBQ
7. Press Wallahs- Just like the vegetable wallah, there is a lady who picks up our wrinkled clothes. Last week she picked up 24 items and we paid almost $1.50 for ALL of the items!
8. Our neighbor... Mr. Chawla. I just can't even begin to tell you what a blessing he continues to be. (This picture was taken late at night. I wouldn't say this is his best look, but we snapped it anyways. He had come over to help us get our power working!)

9. Mango season

10. First haircuts in India

And the cute results...

I TOLD YOU YOU'D LOVE THE MANGO!! It's so good!! Miss y'all! Praying daily as always! Maybe we can skype soon!
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for your blog and camera to keep us updated on how ya'll are. Love you