As a way to help him celebrate a monumental birthday, I asked you, our friends and family, to pitch in. I knew that turning 8 would bring about so many new adventures- new places, new homes, new cultures, new languages- and I wanted him to know that no matter where in the world our family was, he had cheerleaders back home rooting for him and praying for him! And when I say you guys hit a home run, you put the ball WAY out of the park! He was BLOWN AWAY!
When we got to my parents house, this is what we saw...

Jack's response was, "ALL of this is for me?!?!" He was amazed that so many people would think of him! He received cards and packages from Alaska to Ukraine, and a multitude of places between. He read every card, counted every dollar, played with every toy, and treasured each kind gesture that were sent especially to him!
As a mama, one of my greatest concerns about moving to India has been the boys and their well-being. But when I think of all the prayers, love, gifts, and concern that you all are sending our way daily, I can't help but be reminded that they are truly being cheered for each day! Please know that your generosity and love made one little boy's day, but it is etched for a lifetime in the mind of his mama and daddy! We have rockstars for friends and family! Thank you for blessing us!
And for you, Jack- here's a look back at your last year! I look forward to seeing your face every morning and I long to see what God is going to use you for!
Untitled from Sarah Marlin on Vimeo.
I'm so glad that Jack had a wonderful birthday, and thanks for allowing all of us to share his special day!!!