Saturday evening. I'm usually at home working on my materials for Sunday. Tonight I'm doing nothing of the sorts. I've had a long day enjoying family and a time of relaxation. And though we've had a wonderful day, my heart is still missing that anticipation of church tomorrow.
For ten years, Jason and I have invested in the local church. Both of us have purposefully sought out our place and mission at each church we've served. Jason, undoubtedly has the gift of preaching and nothing stirs his heart more than stepping behind that pulpit. It's his perfect niche, the place he was designed to stand, his home and place of refuge. You can almost feel his heart pound when "his turn" approaches on a Sunday morning. There's no doubt God called Him to preach His Word.
But tomorrow, he will listen to another man of God speak of His goodness. He will only be a participant in a service. His toes will be the ones stepped on and his heart will be the one either responding to or rejecting the message that is preached. It will certainly be a new, less familiar place for him in the local church.
Each person has a God-shaped hole in their heart waiting to be filled. I believe I have an additional place in my heart that was intended to be filled with children. I can't remember a time when I didn't KNOW I was going to be a teacher. I don't think my plans ever wavered. God imprinted this desire on my heart before I was even born, and I've held fast to that agenda. But God knew I'd teach more than Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic one day. He knew that someday my desire to teach children about Him would overcome my desire to see them read. That's where I found my place in the local church. I teach children.
I've spent many hours, days, and weeks trying to create environments where children would be encouraged and grow to love God. I'm not crazy. In this fast pace world, I knew that it would take energy, creativity, and excitement to engage them, but that was all a given if it meant even one of them walked away with a deeper love for Christ. Along the way, many critics have argued that we had too much fun, the children should have sat silently in the sanctuary, or they didn't learn anything. But I beg to differ! I've seen their eyes light up when they understood a truth that they could apply to their lives. I've listened to their stories of how they used previous lessons when making choices. Their parents have bragged on their changed behavior and noted conversations about things we had discussed in church. Teaching is not an obligation for me... it's a calling- God's gracious gift to me.
Tomorrow will be my first day with no agenda at church, no lesson plan, no crowd of anxious children waiting to see what's in store for the day. I'll sit in a new church with my own boys, who will most likely be a bit restless. But that anticipation of teaching won't be there. I'll be the student- such a stark contrast from where I have stood the last few years!
Serving in our church has had its' ups and downs, its' rocky patches- times where we felt unfulfilled and weary. Nevertheless, we were steadfast in our service. 1 Peter4:10 says, "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." Jason and I never served with the intention of being repaid... we did it because we were blessed with gifts and it was our purpose to use them for Christ. But in the last few weeks, we have been repaid a hundred-fold by those we have served!
My last week in children's church was oddly enough centered on service. The story was Jesus washing the disciples feet. I was taken aback when many of the children closed the service by washing my feet. Who am I that they would serve me-- many of them aren't past the age of 10, and they humbled themselves to wash the feet of a sinner such as myself. To say I was both humbled and overwhelmed is an understatement. What a testimony to the way God has formed and molded their hearts for His service!
At the close of our last church service, the entire congregation was asked to move forward and encircle us with prayer. As each man and woman placed their hands on our shoulder, I could feel the physical weight of their prayers and supplication being lifted on our behalf. To know that as we parted 200+ people were serving us by praying for our family was such a sweet feeling.
So tomorrow we take a different position. Our former church will see new people step in to fulfill duties that Jason and I once held. And Jesus will lovingly smile down on their willing hearts being used for His glory. And though I will not actively serve in a church tomorrow, I will serve Him through worship and praise.
Our days of service are soon to return. I'm already praying for the precious children of India. I am prayerful that God will use me to change their lives eternally. I am anxious to introduce them to the Father that loves them beyond comprehension and longs to call them "His children." And Jason hasn't preached his last sermon. I know that God will use him to train pastors that can effectively teach the Word to their nation-- a nation where millions, if not billions, of people have yet to even hear the name "Jesus."
God didn't call only a few to serve Him. He asked us all to humble ourselves and wash the feet of others so that all may come to know Him. And, occasionally, He blesses you with a glimpse of His gratitude for being a faithful servant. Tomorrow I rest in His goodness, find peace in His faithfulness, and seek hope in His promises! God. Is. Good.
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45