2. Coincidentally, we booked a cruise this week. All the more reason that I need to drink more water, eat nothing, and tan this body! So much to do in 31 days! How will I ever get it all done???
3. To help keep my mind occupied, I replaced my diet coke addiction with a new addiction. Because Jack has some fabulous grandparents, they chipped in and bought him a new dsi xl. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm addicted to Super Mario Brothers. I could literally stay up all night playing it. Thank goodness Jack doesn't mind. He is quite satisfied to sit right beside me and cheer me on when I do great things and tell me how horrible I am when I die! Children are so honest!
Jack and I are usually so intrigued with our game that we hardly notice the war going on right in front of us!
4. Daddy, this one is for you. Almost a year ago, Jason and I joyfully planted a mandarin orange tree at our old house. Our bubble was soon popped when my dad told us it was way too cool in Mississippi to ever grow oranges. Guess what? He was wrong. I took these pictures at Thanksgiving when we moved from our house, but I just found them when I was cleaning off my camera card and had to share.
In all fairness he was probably right. Unless you like mandarin oranges that taste like an incredibly sour lemon, you might want to steer clear of growing oranges in Mississippi.
5. While looking through a pictures from an older camera card, I found another picture that I had forgotten about. Why is that the photographer misses all the cool things? :)

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