Along the way, I learned a thing or two, and I wanted to share a few of them:
1. Keep it simple! We attempt to keep our life simple. This means our kids aren't involved in every possible activity that is offered. We will give up any activity to be together as a family. And we always try to relish the simple moments. None of those things were possible last week, and I missed them more than you know. The routine things can sometimes seem ordinary and boring, but after a crazy week, I was reminded just how special the pictures below are!

(This picture is nothing exciting... just Jack enjoying some down-time- something that we had very little of last week.)

(I have to say that bath time for my boys is usually one of the most enjoyable times. They laugh, cry, and flood the floor almost every night! Last week, we hardly let the tub fill up with water before they had to get out. This week has been a different story... we even had time to make mohawks!)
2. Swallow your pride! I am not one to EVER ask for help. In fact, a friend sent me a text last week and it read, "You don't take to help too well!" And she was so right! Last week taught me a few things about my pride though. I'm not too good for help, and everyone needs a hand every now and then. I was also reminded that when people offer to help and I turn them down, I rob them of a blessing! I apologize to all the people who offered to help that I turned down. I try to be a one-man show way too often. For those of you who I came crawling back to asking for help, you are awesome, and I love you all!
3. Home-cooked food is important. Among the help that we received last week, several super sweet people brought us dinner.... home-cooked meals straight from their kitchens to ours! I have to say that sitting down to our table with a meal was just what we needed. I realized that my poor babies are being robbed of meals from their mama at their table. I can hardly recall a time when my own family did not sit down to a home-cooked meal, and I want my crew to know that feeling! Though I wouldn't dare pledge to cook EVERY night, I am going to start attempting to provide at least a few meals during the week. I know that some of you are gasping that we eat out every night... don't judge me! I'm a work in progress! But if you have any good, quick recipes that make your family smile, send them my way!

I know at first glance, you see me (I'm sorry!). But if you look closer, you'll see a little face in the background. You see... Max doesn't even know this picture isn't about him. He's smiling and giving his best regardless of who is in the spotlight! Last week was certainly not about ME. It was about everyone but me. And a few times (more than I'd like to mention), I forgot to smile about it! I read chapter 1 of Job this morning in my quiet time, and even when Satan stripped away everything Job had, he still worshipped God and said:
"Naked I came from my mother's womb,
and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised."
I pray that when times are calm and when times are hectic, and when things are about me and when they are not, that my face is lit up like Max's!
5. Last but not least, I'm still as smitten with Jason as I was when I was fourteen years old! I know he wasn't in any grave danger from gall stones, but it sure made me realize how much I love him. He still makes me smile when he walks in a room, and it was good to be reminded of that! I'm one lucky girl.
And he,,,and his motherare both,,lucky to have you. I love you, for loving my son,,and even more,for loving,,and learning,from,God!
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of a cook, but I have some great recipes that are quick, easy, and almost fool-proof. I will send them to you in Facebook messages.
I absolutely LOVE reading your blog!
Tell Jason that I said to get well quickly, and to both of you: know that I'm praying!
Love, Sheila Lence
Thank you Mrs. Delba!
ReplyDeleteSheilia- I'd love any recipes that you have. I just don't want to spend lots of time in the kitchen! I'm all about quick and easy! Thanks for your prayers! So good to hear from you! :)