2. I must admit I have no rhythm. I was a cheerleader in high school, but dancing has never come naturally to me. Max, however, loves to dance. Whether or not he's good at it is yet to be determined. The important thing is he LOVES it! He might also be a singer. He certainly knows how to handle a microphone! In the video, you'll see that a few other family members get in on the action! As of late, the Chipmunks really put him in the mood to cut the rug!
3. I'm married once again! My super sweet husband bought me a new wedding band! I guess he was afraid I'd forget I belonged to him! I LOVE IT!
4. In response to my reflection of my life, we have decided to put our house up for sale. We LOVE where we live, but at this point in our lives, there are other things that MATTER, and a home is not made by the walls that surround you. If anyone in Tupelo knows of someone that is looking for a house, please send them our way. It's a great 4 bedroom/ 2 .5 bathroom home in a fabulous neighborhood!

5. I'm pumped about my lazy weekend at home with an extra day tacked on at the end! But I'm a little jealous of my assistant who is taking a super fast trip to Chicago. She's taking a train, and I'm fascinated with this idea. I think I might just take a train trip somewhere soon. Who knew you could travel by train? I live a sheltered life!
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