I anticipated snow. We knew it happened here, and we knew it was bigger than anything we were accustomed to. I mean let's be honest- a Southern girl only experiences the white stuff on very rare occasions. And it doesn't take many flakes to rock our world. But last night, we prepared to awaken to our first "real snow." So in honor of that, here's a list of the lessons I learned today.

1. It's okay. Even the Northerners clean out the grocery store prior to a suspected snow event. Go ahead and buy your milk and bread. Just to be safe, we hit up Walmart and the grocery store.
2. If you are considering canceling church, don't ask the Southern preacher. The predicted flake on the weather report was enough for him!
3. Remember that snow is very similar to Christmas for your children. Be ready to drop everything and go outside the second they open their eyes.

4. Under no circumstances should you ever put your 11-month-old babies on the ground for a picture. One will most assuredly scream his head off, and the other will look at them with the "what's your problem" look!

5. If three college kids come by and offer to shovel your driveway, throw hundred dollar bills at them, feed them breakfast, and offer to do their laundry just to be sure they stay and do the job.
6. If your "other half" should balk at the idea of hiring the young, strong, college guys, ignore him and hire them anyway.
7. If you find that you've failed on #4 and #5, grab a shovel, but with every scoop of snow, remind "the other half" that three college guys offered to do this horrible, degrading, painful job!

8. Prior to winter, figure out which of your church members is hiding a machine that shovels snow. And get to know them REALLY WELL!
9. Even if a good friend suggest you take your children to sled down a popular hill in town, disregard this idea. Remember you are a Southerner. You've never driven over more than frost. STAY HOME.
10. If you fail on #9, throw hundred dollar bills at the very kind men that push your vehicle out of the snow so that you can return home, and promise them that you'll never drive in snow again.
11. Buy kitty litter to keep in your vehicle, just in case you get stuck and there aren't nice people there to help you out! According to the nice man, it makes great gravel when you need some tread!
12. Definitely make a snow man!

13. If you went to the grocery store prior to the storm (#1) but somehow forgot your carrot to adorn the snowman, just jump in the car and drive to the grocery store to grab some. And ask for forgiveness for breaking the promise you made to those very kind men earlier!
14. As your return from the grocery store, take time to admire the driveway that you JUST shoveled and how it is now covered in fresh snow once again!
15. But most of all, enjoy all that white stuff! It's absolutely beautiful, and despite shoveling the driveway and getting stuck in the snow, it made for a pretty fantastic day! Happy Snow Day, friends!

1. It's okay. Even the Northerners clean out the grocery store prior to a suspected snow event. Go ahead and buy your milk and bread. Just to be safe, we hit up Walmart and the grocery store.
2. If you are considering canceling church, don't ask the Southern preacher. The predicted flake on the weather report was enough for him!
3. Remember that snow is very similar to Christmas for your children. Be ready to drop everything and go outside the second they open their eyes.

4. Under no circumstances should you ever put your 11-month-old babies on the ground for a picture. One will most assuredly scream his head off, and the other will look at them with the "what's your problem" look!

5. If three college kids come by and offer to shovel your driveway, throw hundred dollar bills at them, feed them breakfast, and offer to do their laundry just to be sure they stay and do the job.
6. If your "other half" should balk at the idea of hiring the young, strong, college guys, ignore him and hire them anyway.
7. If you find that you've failed on #4 and #5, grab a shovel, but with every scoop of snow, remind "the other half" that three college guys offered to do this horrible, degrading, painful job!

8. Prior to winter, figure out which of your church members is hiding a machine that shovels snow. And get to know them REALLY WELL!
9. Even if a good friend suggest you take your children to sled down a popular hill in town, disregard this idea. Remember you are a Southerner. You've never driven over more than frost. STAY HOME.
10. If you fail on #9, throw hundred dollar bills at the very kind men that push your vehicle out of the snow so that you can return home, and promise them that you'll never drive in snow again.
11. Buy kitty litter to keep in your vehicle, just in case you get stuck and there aren't nice people there to help you out! According to the nice man, it makes great gravel when you need some tread!
12. Definitely make a snow man!

13. If you went to the grocery store prior to the storm (#1) but somehow forgot your carrot to adorn the snowman, just jump in the car and drive to the grocery store to grab some. And ask for forgiveness for breaking the promise you made to those very kind men earlier!
14. As your return from the grocery store, take time to admire the driveway that you JUST shoveled and how it is now covered in fresh snow once again!
15. But most of all, enjoy all that white stuff! It's absolutely beautiful, and despite shoveling the driveway and getting stuck in the snow, it made for a pretty fantastic day! Happy Snow Day, friends!

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