
about that age.

He's about that age.

You know.

The one where he prefers the likes of Iron Man 3 and Duck Dynasty with his daddy, but he'll still settle in for an episode of Diego if it just happens to be on.

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The one where he'll attempt the manliest of chores around the house, but he'll still let you read a book aloud to him any time you're willing.

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The one where he wants to pick out his own clothes, but he still doesn't know that there is such a thing as coordinating colors or fashion.

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The one where he'd rather be throwing a ball with his daddy, but he just can't resist the call of a playground that is made for a boy half his size.

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The one where his 'toys' consists of things such as iPads, but he'll spend hours in a toy store looking for the perfect toy that'll probably just find a home on a shelf.

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The one where he'll quickly shut the door if he thinks you might have seen his naked "cheeks," but he'll still ask you life's uncomfortable questions like, "how will those babies come out of your stomach?"

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The one where he still kisses you on the lips at bedtime, but you walk away every night wondering if that was the last.

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And I'm about that age.

The one where I want to cheer him into a new phase of life with air horns and pompoms, but I'd rather stop the clock so that he doesn't EVER grow up!

Thankful this morning that he's only ABOUT that age... and I've still got to time to treasures all of his life's questions, his kisses at bedtime, and the innocence that still consumes his little heart!

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