Five. It takes an entire hand of fingers to represent "your new number." F.I.V.E. When did it happen? How did I miss it?
Weren't you just lying all snug in that blanket, wearing that fresh newborn smell, and meeting us all for the first time?
Five. It takes an entire hand of fingers to represent "your new number." F.I.V.E. When did it happen? How did I miss it?
Weren't you just lying all snug in that blanket, wearing that fresh newborn smell, and meeting us all for the first time?

But somehow, even though your stature has changed over the years, so much about you is exactly the same as it was in those first days of your life.
You still have a smile that melts this mama's heart like butter. Something about your little lips will always tug at my insides.

You love life, adventure, and seeing how far you can push limits.

But you have a strong-willed side. When something isn't your idea of a good time, we can count you out.

You are always good for a laugh. Whether you're telling knock-knock jokes or just being silly, we find ourselves humored by you daily!

You are a boy. You can hardly ever be found without a HotWheels car in one hand and most likely a gun in the other. Your face can only be found "dirt-free" for the ten seconds after you've had a bath. But I'd kiss that dirty face any time of the day.

Some days you eat like a bird, and other days you eat like a grown man. But you have your own ideas when it comes to meals. Sour cream and onion chips are a constant breakfast food, and cheese toast never gets old to you.

That tongue is always at work when you are thinking or working hard on a project. And I can't help but smile every time I see it. Your daddy does the same thing, and I hope you hold on to that little trait.

You're amazed at the simple things in life. The rain, the snow, animals, new adventures--- everything grabs your attention, and you take in every detail.

You love the bathtub. Even though our bathtub isn't very traditional these days, you still spend your sweet time in there- only getting out when your fingers and toes are adequately pruned up!

And you still light up this family.
You are irreplaceable, one-of-a-kind, a masterpeice. And I am so thankful to be your mama.
I still don't know how it happened, but somehow FIVE is upon us. I pray this is your best year yet. You are loved more than words, and I hope we spend 100 more years together. Happy birthday, sweet boy!

P.S.- Five is as much as I can take right now. Please take your time reaching six. I'm not ready. I'm just not ready! :)
Happy Birthday MAX!!!