Day three's events were sparked after our first day of meeting Lachmii and the other female elephants at a local elephant camp. A few minutes with this sweet baby, and we were hooked on elephants. We scheduled a ride with the elephants the morning of our last day, and we definitely saved the best for last.
We woke up early and crossed the lake. Before we reached the other side, I could see the giant creatures all ready for our day.
We woke up early and crossed the lake. Before we reached the other side, I could see the giant creatures all ready for our day.

For our adventure, Jason, Max, and I would ride the older female, the matriarch of the bunch, and Jason's parents and Jack would ride on Lachmii's mother.

There is nothing graceful about boarding an elephant. The rickety stand you climb up feels as though it will collapse at any moment. I couldn't decide if I was safer on the stand or the back a 3-ton animal.

But somehow we all made it aboard and both elephants were ready for a ride through the jungle.

And would you believe we saw deer? This one was huge.

Evidently people riding elephants were a common sight, because he just stared at us. But even if we had only seen the leaves and trees, it would have been worth it. It was beautiful.

I have to admit... we were awfully high off the ground. At one point, Lachmii got spooked by a bird, and our elephant reacted by quickly turning to see the danger. I began to ponder what it be like to fall from the animal. I was glad I didn't find out.

Jack and I shared this look of amazement as we rode the elephants. Such amazing creatures. God was on a creative streak as he worked on this beast!

And He gave them a hearty appetite. They ate the entire trip, tasting a variety of plants, trees, and leaves as we ventured in the woods.

But the rocking of the ride was too much for this little guy. How do you sleep when you are riding an elephant?
(Can we take a minute to say how sweet those little lips are... please don't grow up, Max!)

When it was over, we returned to our starting point. As we approached the not-so-strong-or-sturdy stand, Lachmii took some time to nurse and regain her strength from our walk.
(I picked up lots of elephant knowledge while practicing my Hindi on this trip and learned that Lachmii will be nursed until she is three years old... just in case you care!)

And of course, breakfast was waiting on us under a nearby tree.

But my boys preferred to hang out with elephants rather than eat. Smart kids!
(For those of you who know Max personally- Yes, we still have his "ba-boo." Somehow we've kept up with it all the way to India, although it's certainly seen better days. And it's still just as important as ever... even takes rides on elephants!)

Our elephant was growing some tusks.

Jack just couldn't get enough.

But even these boys can't resist food forever, so they finally stopped petting elephants long enough for a snack.

I'm convinced Jack would have stayed here forever. He had a special love for Lachmii and I think the feelings were mutual. I think he's pretty awesome, too, Lachmii!

And so ended our trip to Reni Pani. It was unforgettable. I'd go back tomorrow in a heart beat!
From the giant elephant to the smallest of creations...

And when He predestined these four to become a family, move around the world, and share adventures of a lifetime together, He reminded me that His WAYS, though they are not always ours, are PERFECT as well.

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