1. It's been a while since this old blog has been updated, huh? While I was away, Jack turned 9.... like almost 10!!! I'm not ready for ages that require two digits, so I think I'll make the next 11 months pass with the speed of a sloth! We celebrated the day with Jack making his own birthday cake, a trip to the arcade and lake, and his favorite meal... KFC! Happy 9th birthday, sweet boy!

2. While looking through some pictures this week, I found some pictures of Max working extra hard over the last few months.

This "tongue thing" cracks me up. Do you think it helps him? Funny thing is his daddy does the exact same thing.

3. One of my favorite scenes in India is the escalator at the mall. Evidently, riding an escalator is not an innate skill for the people here. They are petrified of getting on them. I could watch (and possibly laugh) for hours as people make attempt after attempt to get on them. But I shouldn't laugh. My family members have had their share of struggles. A few months back, the escalator ate the end of Jason's shoe off.

And this week, we had round two. Max caught his hand in the railing. After some insane screaming, emergency stop buttons, a huge crowd, and a fast-acting daddy, we're left with some bruises, a cut, and a burn.

Either we should swap to elevators, or perhaps, the two of them could try hanging their tongues out of their mouths for a little extra concentration.
4. Trick of the week at our house: Handstands.
Jack works on this at least once every hour. He was practicing them on his bed, until I convinced him the grass outside was better.

Next week's goal: Stick the landing.

5. As I close this post, Jack has just gotten out of the bed (which is an ultimate sin in this household.) His reason: He wants to know what he needs to do to become a dad. Is there a book out there for answers to random questions from kids? I'm a little stumped on this one! My answer: You need to finish school. Maybe I'll revisit that question one day when he's a little older! :)

Happy Friday! And a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet friend, Kerstin! Hope Alaska is kind to you on your big day! Lots of love from India!

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