1. Guess who made it to Bhopal? Jack's and Max's "Coco"... Jason's "Mama"... or my "Mother-in-Love!" We got up extra early to pick her up at the airport. Despite thinking we were late, we were actually a few minutes early, so we waited patiently for our first glance at her.

When we did finally get a look at her, we were separated. So while she waited on her luggage, we passed the time by taking pictures of each other!

This is the place where I would post the pictures of us seeing her for the first time in almost 11 months, but with all the excitement, there are no pictures of that moment! :(
Even though she was terribly tired from the time difference, there was no rest for the weary. After unpacking her bags and ooh-ing and aah-ing over the fun things she brought us, she and Jack got right to work on Legos.

We looked around town a little, and she and Jason took a scooter ride.

I'm sure I'll have more of our fun in the days to come, but for now, she's had her Ambien and is safely tucked in for the night. We are hoping she gets a good night's rest so we can show her around tomorrow!
2. She brought some awesome things with her.. toys for the boys, prizes for Jason and I, much needed necessities that aren't available in India like deodorant, and snacks. But she had something else packed in those suit cases. Would you believe she smuggled RIBS into this country? My new best friend, Greg Reed, hooked us up!!!!!!

Before Jason could even heat them up, he and Jack were sampling them.

After the horribly LONG 10 minutes to warm them up, we sat down to enjoy our first ribs in almost 11 months!

Greg Reed- you have no idea how much we enjoyed them! And what started out like this...

...ended like this!

Thanks a million! They were so worth it!
3. After a short trip to town, we returned home to find that plate of rib bones was empty. The culprit was this sweet girl....

She may never eat dog food again! Lucy would also like to say "Thank You", Greg!
4. Evidently, Max got word that Coco was coming soon. So this week, he added some fun things to my calendar. Looks like we'll start this week by doing "X" every day. New week, we'll add in a little "M", and we'll close out the month with some "A." After writing on my walls a few weeks ago, we worked to drive home the point that we ONLY write on paper. Obviously we should be more specific about the paper! :)

5. In addition to being a graffiti artist, Max has a huge obsession with lining up Hot Wheels cars. These crazy formations can be found all over our house. I sure am going to miss these "parking lots" one day. I had to snap a picture this week so I wouldn't forget what made his heart smile when he was 4!

And just because my life is so interesting this week, I'll add a BONUS to five on friday!
6. We have a new pet--- a BABY!

He welcomed Coco today! I'm not sure she's as thrilled about our pets as the boys are! Try not to be jealous of our luxurious life! Happy Friday!
This makes me so happy- that she is there! Love the pictures- but my favorite is the parking lot. Brighton did that too and I can't remember when I saw the last one. :( Give Delba hugs from the Sanders.
ReplyDeleteDelba will be REAL impressed if she gets news from her deranged sister....so tell her Deen says I love her and enjoy. I loved the pictures and comments. We pray for ya'll daily.