Today you are best friends. If we lived in America, things might be different. But here, you are each other's side kick. You start your mornings together each day- making sure not to come downstairs without the other.

You're rarely separated from each other. And you both like it that way. Jack's three hour school days are pure torture for Max. Both of you count the minutes until you can play again.

The few times you are separated, you reunite with an "I missed you," or my favorite, "How's my favorite boy been?"
I know some days it's a struggle. After all, there is a four year gap between your ages. You still fight like brothers, but there's something special about the way you play together. I've watched you both play things that were totally out of your league just so you could enjoy life "together!"

I know it wasn't easy for you to leave your friends. And I know it isn't always easy to be with the same kid day in and day out. But somehow you've made it work. Somehow in the midst of moving, you found that your brother made a pretty good friend.

I know that things won't always be this way. The days of sword fights, Lego building, and Hot-Wheels racing won't last forever. Playing pretend, swinging, and wrestling will be a thing of the past one day.

But if one day you look back and wonder what things used to be like, I hope you can look back on these pictures with fond memories.

And just in case things change, I want you to know that today you are best friends.

Sarah- this is so sweet. Brings a tear to my eye, a lump to my throat, and a smile to my face. Well written. They will love looking back on this, as will you :)