When the rain first rears its ugly head, we often feel like a fish out of water. We're not sure what happened, what we should do, or where we should go next.

We flounder around, helplessly reaching for quick answers and solutions. When those don't cure the problem, nothing seems more appropriate than a tantrum.

But don't be discouraged. I think a good cry is important. It's okay to get down, overwhelmed, and stressed, but you can't stay there forever. At some point, you have to take your eyes off of the rain, and focus on the solution.

So how do you overcome the rains of life? You start by rolling up your sleeves and getting busy.

Nothing comes from dwelling on the negative. We have a slogan at our house dedicated to school work: "Do your best, and forget the rest." The same can be true for problems. You are responsible for your actions. You cannot meditate on things that are beyond your control.
But occasionally, you face a nagging problem that just won't go away. It may seem as if something is dragging you down with each step you take.

For such extreme cases, you may just have to rid yourself of things that keep you from moving ahead.

But don't stress about what others will think of you. Get back in the game and finish what you started. You weren't put through such trials to impress others.
When those inevitable rains come, always remember that "two are better than one." Count on those people that were perfectly placed in your life to see you through the downpour.

One day... before you know it... you'll see a bright light peering through the clouds. As the sun breaks through, you'll look around and smile. Because you'll realize that you not only sang in the rain...

but you danced in it as well!
One of my favorite sections of scripture is found in Romans, chapter 5, verses 3-5:
3 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. 4 And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. 5 And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.
It is my prayer that when I run into trials-- when you run into problems-- that they strengthen us. I hope when we look back from the other side that we are proud of our endurance. I don't ever want my problems to walk away with a victory. Never the less... our struggles are inevitable. The question is not whether these rains will come... the question is what do you do with them?
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