If he doesn't know you, he'll be unlikely to flood you with words. I don't know why. I suspect he has a dose of shyness in him. I also believe he is a thinker. He doesn't just throw words out. He really thinks through what he is going to say, how he wants to say it, and the possibilities of whether he'll be able to respond to the remaining conversation! Prior to meeting others, we are typically found whispering in Jack's ear, reminding him to speak loudly, to respond when people speak to him, and to look at them when they are talking.
I tell you this, not to put him down or to expose his flaws. In fact, it's just the opposite. The Bible is overflowing with stories of God using the "ordinary to do the extraordinary." I recall David, a little shepherd boy with only his faith, Moses, a man who stuttered but was called to lead God's people out of slavery, and then there are disciples... a collection of fishermen, tax collectors, and others that were far from perfect. God used prostitutes and thieves, slingshots and trumpets, and even infants born in stables. Why would our inadequacies EVER stop God from using us to change the hearts of others?
Yesterday I stood on a street corner in our nation's capital. I watched proudly as Jack shared the plan of salvation with a man using a wordless book. The little boy who won't say "hello" when someone speaks to him was standing beside a stranger boldly sharing the Good News. The little boy who struggles to find the exact words he wants to use was sharing the Word of God without hesitation. The little boy who will not likely receive scholarships in academics or sports was excelling in eternal things that will far outlast his accomplishments on earth.
So when I wallow in my inadequacies and shortcomings, I picture a little 7-year-old. Despite all of his failures, struggles, and the "ordinary-ness" of his sweet little body, he was willing to be USED. BY. GOD.

And for his efforts, this kind man offered him a "fist pump" which he gladly participated in. But I'm certain that his Heavenly Father has a far greater reward awaiting him in Heaven.

Aren't you glad the Creator of the Universe uses us exactly the way we are? Ordinary people can and will do extraordinary things in His hands!
I'm sure this was one of the proudest moments for a parent. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am so proud of you Jack!! Thank y'all for your willingness and HUGE sacrifice. Love y'all!
ReplyDeleteSarah, this one brought tears to my eyes! God is definitely using y'all ~ even shy Jack and little Max ~ to do His Kingdom's work! Love y'all!
ReplyDeleteI have so enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your pictures this warm Georgia afternoon! I have just found it and had a lot of "catching up" to do. In reading your description of Jack I could not help but think of John Michael when he was that age. I worked at Farmers Furniture with Jerry and Delba would bring the boys into the office. John Michael would hold onto her leg, bury his head and not look at anyone. As I recall he quickly outgrew it! Take care and keep blogging!