1. I saved a life last night. Fireworks attemtped to turn deadly at a family gathering, and I was able to extinguish my father-in-law's behind! ( That's a sentence I never anticipated writing... ever!) Okay... it may have not been that serious of a situation, but an unexpected firework did shoot in his direction and caught his pants on fire. I was able to put the fire out with my boot! I felt a little heroic- maybe I should wear a cape or a mask. You can call me "Super Sarah" if you like! Here's the proof:
And for the record... I never expected to take a picture of my father-in-law's behind...ever! You must learn to expect the unexpected when you become a super hero! :)
2. We did Christmas early at our house. We've never done this before, but I have to say I really liked it! We always leave immediately after opening gifts on Christmas Day, and it always seems so rushed. So, we opened all of our gifts bright and early on Wednesday morning. Both boys got iPods. Judge me not. When a two-year-old asks you for your iPhone and can turn it on and find the game he wishes to play, we figure he's at least ready for a refurbished iPod of his own! Here's a picture of them enjoying a little "Despicable Me" on their iPods!
3. We finally watched Twilight this week. We are a little behind. I'm not sure I'm the biggest fan yet, but we are intrigued enough to watch the second and third movies in the series. I'll let you know if I'm on the Twilight bandwagon after I've seen all three!
4. I stitched right through my finger this week! I was sewing a few last minute Christmas items for someone, and evidently I put my finger a little too close the needle. The culprit was a towel that was going to be given to one of my students. My dear sweet Abby- when you wrap yourself up in that cute little towel after your bath each night, you can always think of me!
5. I really love to buy gifts. But more than that, I LOVE to make gifts. Anything that requires this basket makes my heart beat a little faster:

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