Mother's Day. For me, it has, over the years, been a day of very mixed emotions. As a child, I haphazardly celebrated the lady who gave me life, love, and unending encouragement. I don't think I was capable of grasping the role that she played, how difficult being a mother was, and how much endurance and grace she portrayed while being such an extraordinary mother.
Fast forward a few years, and I was the new wife who cried silently on the pew at church while everyone celebrated all the new mothers, the oldest mother, the mother who traveled the farthest. All the while, I only longed to be a mother. I didn't care if I ever made an impact on the world, obtained awards for my accomplishments... I just wanted a chance to share life with a child, to be a part of the special bond between a mama and her child.

I've also felt the joy of that first Mother's Day. The overwhelming gratitude that He would choose me to guide that little boy through life. The pride I felt when I looked into those big brown eyes and he said "mama" like he'd known me his entire life. The beautiful picture of adoption and God's perfect plan for my life.

And more recently I've been a part of the Mother's Day where I don't get the opportunity to take my mama out for lunch, to hug her, or just sit down to chat with her face-to-face over lunch. Thankfully, she's still alive, but living on different sides of the planet doesn't afford me unending opportunities to see her in person. There've been many days in the last two years where sitting down at her table or a quick shopping trip would have been the perfect medicine to see me through to my next tough day.
So this year, I celebrate my journey. The good times and the bad times and all the times to come.
To my mama: My words are inadequate. 33 years ago you took on the role of raising a very headstrong little girl, one who would test every boundary you laid out! But you persevered. I pray that my life and where I am today are some testament to the wonderful mother that you were/are! May my love for my boys be a reflection of your love for me. May my love for Christ be a reminder of your conviction to carry me faithfully to the local church. And may my failures and triumphs make you equally proud as I strive to live out what Christ has called me to do and be! I count the days until I sit at your table again. With all my love- Happy Mother's Day.
To the boys who made me a mama: Wow. Praise God for His faithfulness to you and to me. We are a match made in heaven, and I'm beyond honored to be the woman who pours into you each day. I know at times, I'm a complete mess, unworthy of the responsibility that has been granted to me as a mother. I pray daily for your forgiveness when I miss the mark, your understanding when we don't see eye to eye, and your grace as I find myself growing right along side of you! Our years together are passing at lightening speed, and I long for them to slow down. Thank you for the surprise hugs, the "I forgot to tell you 'I love you's" long after you should be asleep, and the nighttime prayers where you mention me by name to our Heavenly Father. You are my world. Love, Mama

To my mother-in-law: Did you ever think that little 8th grade girl in your Sunday class would refer to you as her "Mother-in-love" one day? I love that even when you were explaining circumcision to a bunch of giggly girls, God knew one day my boys would call you "Coco!" You are such a wonderful example to me. I've witnessed your highs and lows, and I've watched your openness to be molded and used by God in all of them. You are such an encouragement to me and a friend! But mostly I thank you for the mother you were to the man I love. He is no doubt a product of your devotion and love as a mother. Our efforts at "training them up in the way they should go" seems monumental and unattainable at times, but if Jason is any proof of your efforts, I say you rocked it! Thank you for your encouragement, advice, and love as I travel the road of being a mother that you know so well! Happy Mother's Day from across the ocean!
To the women who are longing to be a mother: There is NOT a day that I don't recall those feelings (and sometimes still feel them!) But our God is greater than our desires. He loves us, longs for us to find happiness in whatever role we find ourselves, and is sovereign to give us all that we need in His time. I pray for you in your time of waiting. The wait is at times painful, but trust in His goodness and timing and His plan... no matter how much it varies from yours!

Fast forward a few years, and I was the new wife who cried silently on the pew at church while everyone celebrated all the new mothers, the oldest mother, the mother who traveled the farthest. All the while, I only longed to be a mother. I didn't care if I ever made an impact on the world, obtained awards for my accomplishments... I just wanted a chance to share life with a child, to be a part of the special bond between a mama and her child.

I've also felt the joy of that first Mother's Day. The overwhelming gratitude that He would choose me to guide that little boy through life. The pride I felt when I looked into those big brown eyes and he said "mama" like he'd known me his entire life. The beautiful picture of adoption and God's perfect plan for my life.

And more recently I've been a part of the Mother's Day where I don't get the opportunity to take my mama out for lunch, to hug her, or just sit down to chat with her face-to-face over lunch. Thankfully, she's still alive, but living on different sides of the planet doesn't afford me unending opportunities to see her in person. There've been many days in the last two years where sitting down at her table or a quick shopping trip would have been the perfect medicine to see me through to my next tough day.

So this year, I celebrate my journey. The good times and the bad times and all the times to come.

To my mama: My words are inadequate. 33 years ago you took on the role of raising a very headstrong little girl, one who would test every boundary you laid out! But you persevered. I pray that my life and where I am today are some testament to the wonderful mother that you were/are! May my love for my boys be a reflection of your love for me. May my love for Christ be a reminder of your conviction to carry me faithfully to the local church. And may my failures and triumphs make you equally proud as I strive to live out what Christ has called me to do and be! I count the days until I sit at your table again. With all my love- Happy Mother's Day.

To the boys who made me a mama: Wow. Praise God for His faithfulness to you and to me. We are a match made in heaven, and I'm beyond honored to be the woman who pours into you each day. I know at times, I'm a complete mess, unworthy of the responsibility that has been granted to me as a mother. I pray daily for your forgiveness when I miss the mark, your understanding when we don't see eye to eye, and your grace as I find myself growing right along side of you! Our years together are passing at lightening speed, and I long for them to slow down. Thank you for the surprise hugs, the "I forgot to tell you 'I love you's" long after you should be asleep, and the nighttime prayers where you mention me by name to our Heavenly Father. You are my world. Love, Mama

To my mother-in-law: Did you ever think that little 8th grade girl in your Sunday class would refer to you as her "Mother-in-love" one day? I love that even when you were explaining circumcision to a bunch of giggly girls, God knew one day my boys would call you "Coco!" You are such a wonderful example to me. I've witnessed your highs and lows, and I've watched your openness to be molded and used by God in all of them. You are such an encouragement to me and a friend! But mostly I thank you for the mother you were to the man I love. He is no doubt a product of your devotion and love as a mother. Our efforts at "training them up in the way they should go" seems monumental and unattainable at times, but if Jason is any proof of your efforts, I say you rocked it! Thank you for your encouragement, advice, and love as I travel the road of being a mother that you know so well! Happy Mother's Day from across the ocean!

To the women who are longing to be a mother: There is NOT a day that I don't recall those feelings (and sometimes still feel them!) But our God is greater than our desires. He loves us, longs for us to find happiness in whatever role we find ourselves, and is sovereign to give us all that we need in His time. I pray for you in your time of waiting. The wait is at times painful, but trust in His goodness and timing and His plan... no matter how much it varies from yours!

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