In honor of your sixth birthday with love-
On January 14, 2008, she laid you in my arms. Her words were, "He's not my baby. I've always thought of him as your baby and I was carrying him for you." And a lump swelled up in my throat. I knew that she had just laid one of the greatest treasures I'd ever possess in my arms and it was the most unselfish act I had ever witnessed.
That night is as vivid as something that occurred five minutes ago, but somehow SIX YEARS have passed. And that little 7 lb 11 oz, blonde haired, green-eyed baby has brought more joy that we could have imagined.
This morning you proudly announced that the greatest thing about being six is "that it takes two hands to show [my] number." Somehow growing up is way more exciting to a boy than to his mama. Every year you add a number, I praise God that you are growing and changing, but I am also reminded how quickly the time is passing and how important it is that I make an impression on your heart NOW, rather than later!
So as you begin this sixth year of your life, I pray BIG things for you. And even though I know we will fail you a million times as parents in the next 365 days, we trust that God's grace is BIGGER and that He will change you for the better, despite our imperfections!
Lord, we thank you for Max, for choosing us to love him, guide him, and mold him in these impressionable years. We pray that your grace would abound as we seek to make the right choices in parenting and as we daily fail and start anew. We ask that you would continue to draw his heart towards Yours. We pray that you make his sin abundantly clear to him and that You show him his need for a Savior as only You can do. Help Jason and I to plant seeds of You in his heart so that the fruits of Your Spirit will be evident in His life. As this world attempts to draw him in , Lord, it is our desire that he would turn towards the only hope that is available to us- You.

Happiest Birthday, Max!
Mama and Daddy
On January 14, 2008, she laid you in my arms. Her words were, "He's not my baby. I've always thought of him as your baby and I was carrying him for you." And a lump swelled up in my throat. I knew that she had just laid one of the greatest treasures I'd ever possess in my arms and it was the most unselfish act I had ever witnessed.

That night is as vivid as something that occurred five minutes ago, but somehow SIX YEARS have passed. And that little 7 lb 11 oz, blonde haired, green-eyed baby has brought more joy that we could have imagined.

This morning you proudly announced that the greatest thing about being six is "that it takes two hands to show [my] number." Somehow growing up is way more exciting to a boy than to his mama. Every year you add a number, I praise God that you are growing and changing, but I am also reminded how quickly the time is passing and how important it is that I make an impression on your heart NOW, rather than later!

So as you begin this sixth year of your life, I pray BIG things for you. And even though I know we will fail you a million times as parents in the next 365 days, we trust that God's grace is BIGGER and that He will change you for the better, despite our imperfections!

Lord, we thank you for Max, for choosing us to love him, guide him, and mold him in these impressionable years. We pray that your grace would abound as we seek to make the right choices in parenting and as we daily fail and start anew. We ask that you would continue to draw his heart towards Yours. We pray that you make his sin abundantly clear to him and that You show him his need for a Savior as only You can do. Help Jason and I to plant seeds of You in his heart so that the fruits of Your Spirit will be evident in His life. As this world attempts to draw him in , Lord, it is our desire that he would turn towards the only hope that is available to us- You.

Happiest Birthday, Max!
Mama and Daddy