
Today you turned ten years old. A little over ten years ago, we weren't together. But your void was in my heart. Your daddy and I knew we wanted a baby, and we had our own ideas of how that would happen. Meanwhile, you were forming in another mother's womb, growing strong and preparing for all that you would endure in those first few years.
As you made your entrance into the world, our days of infertility were becoming more difficult. We were hitting walls that seemed too much for our hearts to handle. So as you grew in that first year, we began filling out papers instead of buying maternity clothes and attending birthing classes.
And after that first year of life, your world turned upside down. Our troubles were nothing compared to the struggles you must have felt as you entered that orphanage for the first day. All things were new, and everything that once comforted you in your first year of life were now gone. Oh, how I wish I could have held you and rocked you that first night.
But it would be one INCREDIBLY LONG year before we'd see you for the first time. In that time we prayed for you. We didn't know if you'd be a boy or a girl, a baby, a toddler, or school-aged. All we knew was that we were trusting God more than we had ever trusted Him before.
And then in November of 2005, as you were completing your first year in a Ukrainian orphanage, we looked into your big brown eyes for the first time. And suddenly, that void was full- no, not full- overflowing!
And now almost 8 years later, even when I think I can't love you more, I find myself falling in love with you over and over again. You complete our family in so many ways. Your sweet, humble spirit is to be admired, and I pray your innocence stays around for many years to come. The simple things in life always make you smile, and your thankfulness is second to none. Max is so fortunate to be your little brother, and one day, he'll be able to tell you just how great you are! How many brothers would let the little one be first as often as you do? Your passion for good food, seeing the world, and experiencing new things melts our hearts, and we are honored that we were chosen to walk along side you as you discover this world!

Happy Birthday, sweet boy! Thank you for adding so much joy to our lives. We pray that your next year is the best yet!

Today you turned ten years old. A little over ten years ago, we weren't together. But your void was in my heart. Your daddy and I knew we wanted a baby, and we had our own ideas of how that would happen. Meanwhile, you were forming in another mother's womb, growing strong and preparing for all that you would endure in those first few years.

As you made your entrance into the world, our days of infertility were becoming more difficult. We were hitting walls that seemed too much for our hearts to handle. So as you grew in that first year, we began filling out papers instead of buying maternity clothes and attending birthing classes.

And after that first year of life, your world turned upside down. Our troubles were nothing compared to the struggles you must have felt as you entered that orphanage for the first day. All things were new, and everything that once comforted you in your first year of life were now gone. Oh, how I wish I could have held you and rocked you that first night.

But it would be one INCREDIBLY LONG year before we'd see you for the first time. In that time we prayed for you. We didn't know if you'd be a boy or a girl, a baby, a toddler, or school-aged. All we knew was that we were trusting God more than we had ever trusted Him before.

And then in November of 2005, as you were completing your first year in a Ukrainian orphanage, we looked into your big brown eyes for the first time. And suddenly, that void was full- no, not full- overflowing!

And now almost 8 years later, even when I think I can't love you more, I find myself falling in love with you over and over again. You complete our family in so many ways. Your sweet, humble spirit is to be admired, and I pray your innocence stays around for many years to come. The simple things in life always make you smile, and your thankfulness is second to none. Max is so fortunate to be your little brother, and one day, he'll be able to tell you just how great you are! How many brothers would let the little one be first as often as you do? Your passion for good food, seeing the world, and experiencing new things melts our hearts, and we are honored that we were chosen to walk along side you as you discover this world!

Happy Birthday, sweet boy! Thank you for adding so much joy to our lives. We pray that your next year is the best yet!