
changing course.

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. ~Anatole France

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I've ventured out on a thousand new journeys in my lifetime, and change never comes easy.  The quote above perfectly captures the joy of embarking on new adventures, yet the sorrow in saying goodbye to the old!  Each road we travel molds us, changes us, and leaves lasting impressions on our lives.  They become a part of us, and we mourn the loss of them.

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Almost three years ago, we sold most of our possessions, packed 20 bags, and boarded a plane for India.  We had never visited this country.  We'd hardly been outside of America.  But we stepped out on faith with a seven-year-old and three-year-old and tried hard not to look back!

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The journey has been amazing.  We've experienced spiritual highs-- worshipping with nationals in a foreign language, yet experiencing the love of the God of the Universe.  We've grown together as a family and had the opportunity to do life together in a way that few people ever experience.  We've taken trips of a lifetime, that usually only make a bucket list, but never get crossed off.  We've worked with some of the most incredible teammates in our organization and soaked up a wealth of knowledge from each of them.  We've learned to live with less, depend on each other more, and be content when things are beyond our control.

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But every journey has its struggles.  We've also experienced spiritual lows-- seeing our own sin like never before and finding ourselves longing to worship in our heart language.  We've missed our American relationships with family and friends, mentors and co-workers.  We've all said more tearful goodbyes than our hearts could handle at times.  We've lived in and experienced one of the most poverty-stricken places in the world, and we've found ourselves more than once becoming cold to the sadness that surrounds us each day.  We've longed for the comforts of home, missed funerals, births, and holidays, and felt the strain of one foot in America and one foot in India.

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Thankfully, the Lord is gracious.  He carries us when we can't carry ourselves.  He reminds us to be joyful in all things, good and bad.  And He loves us when we are on a mountain, but just as much when we fall in the valleys of life.

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In one month, we will say goodbye to this place.  But it could never be forgotten.  You CANNOT come to India and not leave changed.  You CANNOT worship with these people and not love our God more.  You CANNOT experience the heart of the pastors we've worked with and not long to draw closer to the Lord.  And you CANNOT see the darkness that inhabits the hearts of millions of Indians and not cry out for their hearts to be changed from the inside out!

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So as we prepare to pack up and head back to America for a new chapter in life, we will spend the next few weeks reflecting on this place that has changed us for the better, loving the teammates that have been our family for the last three years, and praying for the hearts that so desperately need Jesus.  In 29 days, we leave this country with 24 bags, a ten-year-old, a six-year-old, two three-month-old babies, and a thousand memories that will never be forgotten.  We covet your prayers as we close this chapter of our lives!

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Our plans after India--- We fly out of Delhi on June 10th and arrive in America on June 11th.  We will spend the month of June in Dublin, Georgia.  On July 3rd, we will make our way to Tupelo, MS, where we will spend July. After we reunite with  family and friends, Jason will assume the role of Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church, Kirskville, Missouri.  We are beyond excited about the coming months and all that is in store!


  1. God bless you guys!!!!

  2. Y'all are amazing and have been through a unique adventure! I'm so glad a small part of it was investing in me for a very short season! GOD used it! And GOD has used your time in India as well (and everywhere in between). Thanks for your witness and leadership and friendship and heart to serve among the nations! I wish I could of made a visit over to see y'all while you were there, but I was doing other things - but from time to time I prayed for y'all that GOD would use y'all in India for His glory and that others would be served and come to know the joy and peace of CHRIST and so much more! I know GOD will continue to bless and use y'all back here in America when you return! Thanks for your encouragement and example as a GODLY family - something I can aspire to be like one day! Hopefully I'll see ya around somewhere down the road - and I can show the little ones some MAGIC haha! Thanks! (Psalm 40:1-5/Romans 15:13)

  3. A part of me feels very selfish right now. I'm so excited about your arrival to Kirksville and anxious to learn from you and grow in Jesus with you. Prayers for your safe travels, and for the team you'll be leaving to carry on the work of our wonderful Lord!
