
the rules of dunking

Village pastors don't often get seminary training, or hours and hours of learning time from the "greats" like Charles Swindoll or John MacArther.  They learn what they know directly from Scripture (as it should be!)  But when given an opportunity, they still have lots of questions looming around in their heads about such things as "women ministers," "observation of the Lord's Supper," and "baptism."  And while Jason doesn't always know the answers, these two Mississippi boys pulled together to give some pointers on baptism!

The question: What is the correct way to baptize?

A good teacher knows that demonstration is a key tool for teaching.  And it proved to be no problem for Jason to mock baptize "Pastor Smiles!" (affectionately named for the joy that pours out of him and is worn permanently on his face!"

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But an even better teacher knows that a student must practice to master a skill!

Step 1:  Hold the candidates wrist so that they can use their fingers to hold their own nose.

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Step 2:  Instruct the candidate to bend their knees slightly as you begin to bend them backwards.

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And possibly the most important:
Step 3:  If the candidate significantly outweighs you, bring in BACKUP!

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And those, my friends, are the rules of dunking!  Happy Baptizing!

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