
five on friday

1.  Ingenuity. (noun) The quality of being clever, original, or inventive.

This is the perfect word to describe India.  They have mad skills when it comes to using what you have to make things work.  Jason and I are constantly learning easier ways to accomplish things.  This five on friday is a quick look at some of our recent attempts at Indian shortcuts!

2.  After a long search, we FINALLY found a grill.   It even came with charcoal.  But without lighter fluid or another great way to get it lit, our grill was useless.  One of our greatest sources of ingenuity is our language helper.  She told us exactly what to do:


A few short minutes on our gas stove and we had white hot coals ready for the grill!  Why didn't we think of this?  And oddly enough, there is no smoke or smell- just a few ashes that you see on the stovetop.


2.  We've had the unfortunate experience of dead car batteries since coming to India.  The neighbors first suggested we take the battery out and take it to a shop.  But that was a lot of trouble.  So we had the man come over to check it out.  All we needed were some jumper cables.  But since those aren't available here, the man went into a house under construction nearby, came out with a wire from who knows where, and tied it to our battery and another vehicle.


I still think jumper cables might be safer, but whatever works, right?


4.  We are blessed to have a vehicle, but we bought a scooter right after we got here.  Jason and I ride it a lot, but if we can help it, we usually take the truck if we have the boys.  The biggest problem with taking Max is the fact that he goes to sleep within two minutes of leaving the house.  A sleeping child and a scooter do not create a good combination.  So again, my language helper told me how to make a seatbelt/ sleeping contraption using my scarf.  Max sleeps like a baby, and I don't have to worry about him falling off!  This might be my favorite trick- and Max LOVES being 'tied on!'


5.  No matter which country you live in- fire safety is important.  But what do you do when you don't have those fancy fire exit doors.  First, you paint your door red and go ahead and lock it.  You don't want people using it unless there is in fact an emergency.


For extra security, put a canvas bag over the lock and seal it with wax.


Put the key in a glass box, and tape it shut.


In the event of a real emergency, use the hammer to break the glass, retrieve the key, break the seal on the bag, use the key to open the lock, push the door open, and pray that you haven't died from smoke inhalation during this 30 minute exercise!


Don't you love their creativity?  I realize just how spoiled we are as Americans.  We don't have to try very hard to make life "work" for us.  Things are relatively easy!  But living in a third world country makes you especially grateful that they have created all these shortcuts!  It sure has made our last year easier! 

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