
five on friday

1.  I warn you in advance that some of this week's edition may be devoted to more creepy crawly things.  I know what you're thinking... "Don't you deal with more exciting things in your week than bugs and gross creatures?"  And the answer is.. "Some weeks, YES!  But other weeks, our most exciting encounters center around ants, rats, and frogs!"  Life in India can be extremely glamorous.

2.  I'll start with the less gruesome.... ANTS!  It's monsoon season and that means we can expect multiple armies of ants.  I haven't found any way to get rid of them, other than obvious things like sealing up food and wiping up crumbs.  BUT this week, I learned that they can be found anywhere... like in the straw of Max's cup.


Seriously- there's not a trace of ants in this cabinet, except in this straw.  I just wonder which little ant crawled in that straw and decided to start a city.


The teacher in me couldn't resist taping that  straw shut, closing off the top of the glass and throwing in some sugar granules and bread.  A free ant farm!  It doesn't take much to impress us these days! :)

3.  Not all of our problems are found in the kitchen cabinets.  Lately we've been seeing "evidence" of a rodent outside of our house.  We decided to set some traps and within an hour, we scored our first RAT!  I've had some previous experience with small field mouse, but rats are just gross.  We've caught two so far.  Check out the tail on this guy!


4.  But all of our days in India aren't spent exterminating.  We've had some great opportunities to get away and stay at a few hotels lately.  Our friend Beth taught Max how to use the phone to call rooms.  Don't you think he looks like a natural?


If that pose is any indicator of his teenage years, we are going to have our hands FULL!  Crazy boy!

5.  We see some interesting stuff while we are out and about.  I don't know if India has a motto, but I'd like to propose one:  "INDIA:  There's always room for more!"


Just when you think a vehicle or a home or a bench is full, they somehow seem to magically pack in at least three more!

(This picture was taken on a major highway in India going about 70 mph.)


five on friday

1.  Ingenuity. (noun) The quality of being clever, original, or inventive.

This is the perfect word to describe India.  They have mad skills when it comes to using what you have to make things work.  Jason and I are constantly learning easier ways to accomplish things.  This five on friday is a quick look at some of our recent attempts at Indian shortcuts!

2.  After a long search, we FINALLY found a grill.   It even came with charcoal.  But without lighter fluid or another great way to get it lit, our grill was useless.  One of our greatest sources of ingenuity is our language helper.  She told us exactly what to do:


A few short minutes on our gas stove and we had white hot coals ready for the grill!  Why didn't we think of this?  And oddly enough, there is no smoke or smell- just a few ashes that you see on the stovetop.


2.  We've had the unfortunate experience of dead car batteries since coming to India.  The neighbors first suggested we take the battery out and take it to a shop.  But that was a lot of trouble.  So we had the man come over to check it out.  All we needed were some jumper cables.  But since those aren't available here, the man went into a house under construction nearby, came out with a wire from who knows where, and tied it to our battery and another vehicle.


I still think jumper cables might be safer, but whatever works, right?


4.  We are blessed to have a vehicle, but we bought a scooter right after we got here.  Jason and I ride it a lot, but if we can help it, we usually take the truck if we have the boys.  The biggest problem with taking Max is the fact that he goes to sleep within two minutes of leaving the house.  A sleeping child and a scooter do not create a good combination.  So again, my language helper told me how to make a seatbelt/ sleeping contraption using my scarf.  Max sleeps like a baby, and I don't have to worry about him falling off!  This might be my favorite trick- and Max LOVES being 'tied on!'


5.  No matter which country you live in- fire safety is important.  But what do you do when you don't have those fancy fire exit doors.  First, you paint your door red and go ahead and lock it.  You don't want people using it unless there is in fact an emergency.


For extra security, put a canvas bag over the lock and seal it with wax.


Put the key in a glass box, and tape it shut.


In the event of a real emergency, use the hammer to break the glass, retrieve the key, break the seal on the bag, use the key to open the lock, push the door open, and pray that you haven't died from smoke inhalation during this 30 minute exercise!


Don't you love their creativity?  I realize just how spoiled we are as Americans.  We don't have to try very hard to make life "work" for us.  Things are relatively easy!  But living in a third world country makes you especially grateful that they have created all these shortcuts!  It sure has made our last year easier! 


miracles in chaos

India has taught me the "art of surprise."  Just when I think I've seen everything, a man hovers over a ditch and poops on a main road right in front of me.  A dog runs across a road with "innards" in its mouth.  Or a pastor burps unapologetically in the microphone during his sermon and never blinks an eye.  I've seen prosthetic legs with toe rings drilled in to them, a family of 5 on one scooter, dogs with softball-size tumors hanging from abdomens, and paralyzed people dragging themselves across the burning hot concrete begging for money.  Some days, I'm sure I've uncovered every possible surprising sight.  Many times the scenes are tragic, hard to swallow, things I want to forget.  But sometimes, God lays out His miracles for us to marvel at and gives us moments of peace in the midst of chaos.

One of our 'get-away spots' in Bhopal is a local hotel where we have a pool membership.  Now that monsoon season is underway, our sunny days are scarce.  So yesterday when the sun peeked out, the boys and I headed to the pool to catch a few rays and enjoy the cool water.  The last few times we've been, we've seen a certain toad and even spotted her swimming a few times.  So I wasn't surprised to see her yesterday.  But I was surprised to see "her baby" on her back.


I stopped to take a closer look and then I saw it- a huge mass of eggs behind the toad.


I knew the boys would love it so I called them over.  They were AMAZED.  And then they started conversing with each other about what they were seeing:  "Where are those eggs coming from?"  "Are they stuck to her legs?"  "I don't think so. I think they are coming from her booty."  "Her booty?!?!"  "Oooooooo... her booty!" "Mama, how does she do that?"  So here's my question- how do all great animal moments turn in to random questions about reproduction?

Honestly, I didn't answer them- not because I didn't want to, but because I knew nothing about toads and the way in which they lay eggs.  So here's your lesson of toad reproduction.

Female toads lay their eggs in the spring, and she can lay around 2000-3000 of them.  The eggs will be laid in water.  But here's the part I didn't know.  "The baby" on her back in the picture above is actually her man.  And as she lays the egg, he fertilizes them.


The eggs are covered with a jelly-like substance.  I touched it so I can attest to the fact that it is slimy and jelly-like.  They are much like a string of black pearls covered in slime.


If all goes well, the eggs could hatch into tadpoles in about 10 days, and from tadpoles to toads.  However, I'm secretly hoping this sweet mama finds a new place to lay eggs and that maybe the thousands that she laid yesterday won't turn into tadpoles.  As much as I enjoyed watching this awesome act of nature, I'm not thrilled about the idea of swimming with 2000 tadpoles!


So there you have it- the egg-laying process of a toad.  Maybe your life isn't as crazy as mine.  Maybe simple things like this lack luster for you.  But for me- it was exactly what I needed.  A HUGE reminder that even amidst the chaos of my life, beautiful, wonderful things are happening ALL around me!

(All photos were taken with my iPhone.  Who needs expensive macro-lenses?)



Dear America,

How's it going?


Rumor has it summer is in full swing over there.  And we can hear the complaints all the way over here.  So you have two choices- you can either sleep through it...


or get out there and have some fun.  Our summer in India is coming to an end, but we've pulled through some h-o-t days- sometimes 110 degrees!  So here's our advice on surviving the heat.

Find a good friend.


And a few good buckets of water.


We like to call this a "redneck swimming pool," but you can refer to it any way you want.  The possibilities of fun are endless.  You can "swim."


You can pour water on your friend...


Or have your friend return the favor.


Before you know it, all this fun will have you "cracking" up and you'll forget all about that insane heat!


But don't forget to sit back and enjoy those rays a little.


Soon enough, it'll be cold and you'll be praying for a little warmth!  Happy Summer!

Yours truly-
Jack and Max


five on friday

1.  It's been a while since this old blog has been updated, huh?  While I was away, Jack turned 9.... like almost 10!!!  I'm not ready for ages that require two digits, so I think I'll make the next 11 months pass with the speed of a sloth!  We celebrated the day with Jack making his own birthday cake, a trip to the arcade and lake, and his favorite meal... KFC!  Happy 9th birthday, sweet boy!

2.  While looking through some pictures this week, I found some pictures of Max working extra hard over the last few months.


This "tongue thing" cracks me up.  Do you think it helps him?  Funny thing is his daddy does the exact same thing.


3.  One of my favorite scenes in India is the escalator at the mall.  Evidently, riding an escalator is not an innate skill for the people here.  They are petrified of getting on them.  I could watch (and possibly laugh) for hours as people make attempt after attempt to get on them.  But I shouldn't laugh.  My family members have had their share of struggles.  A few months back, the escalator ate the end of Jason's shoe off.


And this week, we had round two.  Max caught his hand in the railing.  After some insane screaming, emergency stop buttons, a huge crowd, and a fast-acting daddy, we're left with some bruises, a cut, and a burn.


Either we should swap to elevators, or perhaps, the two of them could try hanging their tongues out of their mouths for a little extra concentration.

4.  Trick of the week at our house:  Handstands.

Jack works on this at least once every hour.  He was practicing them on his bed, until I convinced him the grass outside was better.



Next week's goal:  Stick the landing.


5.  As I close this post, Jack has just gotten out of the bed (which is an ultimate sin in this household.)  His reason:  He wants to know what he needs to do to become a dad.  Is there a book out there for answers to random questions from kids?  I'm a little stumped on this one!  My answer:  You need to finish school.  Maybe I'll revisit that question one day when he's a little older! :)


Happy Friday!  And a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet friend, Kerstin!  Hope Alaska is kind to you on your big day!  Lots of love from India!
