I just can't seem to make myself give them a knick-knack or the latest trendy product. I guess this is why for the last few years, I have found myself making family heirloom quilts and making frames with lasting photographs of precious memories. As I was surfing the internet last week, I found a writer who put in to words my philosophy on gift giving. She said they attempt to make the other person cry!
That said it all for me! Not that I have in any way EVER made my parents or in-laws cry, but my point is I want my gift to them to be meaningful... something that stirs up old memories and reminds of why we invest so much time and love in to our families! And I hope the gifts always say a quiet "thank you" to them for all they do for us throughout the year.
This year I had an idea brewing from several years ago. A co-worker once told me of a collection of artwork that she kept from her children's childhood. She told me of how she she changed them out during the year based on their theme. My first thoughts were a calendar, but those are useless after one year. My second thought was to have Jack draw 12 different pictures to represent each month, but I assure you that he would have burnt out after the second picture. So after considering a few other ideas, I got out my favorite basket and got started!
I decided to use the boys' hands to create artwork for each month. We used some part of their hand for every picture... either their entire hand, finger tip, or palm. Just so you know... you are risking your life when you paint the hand of a two-year-old, but he loved it none the less! We had such a great time painting hands together, and I though the finished product turned out super cute! I have connections with a preacher and he helped me line up verses to put at the bottom of each picture!
And when we were finished we put 'January' in a frame and wrapped it up!
To finish it off, I bought a small wooden box at Hobby Lobby and placed the extra monthly cards in it for safe keeping!
I am grateful each year that I am able to "purchase" gifts, but I must say that nothing makes my heart smile quite like "making" a gift for those we love! Merry Christmas to our parents!
And NOTHING makes my heart smile,like these gifts. And it's a given on me crying. Just looking at these pictures here did it! But we will totally treasure these babies ,,,don't tell Max,,,hands every day of every month,,,,for years. Thank you for taking the time one day,,,you will understand the value as much as we grandparents!...but then,,,you've got a pretty good head start. I LOVE my calendar :):):):)