

As I sit to write, it is Thanksgiving Eve. I am patiently waiting to sign for the closing of our house. This Thanksgiving will mark the beginning of a new journey for us. The last year has brought about many opportunities for Jason and I to reflect on our relationship as a family with Christ and those reflections have brought about some major changes for us. One of the greatest changes was the selling of our home.

Have you ever stopped and really thought about what you are actually "able to give to others? I don't mean what you do give, but what you actually "could" give. For most of us, I think our ability to give is limited greatly by the amount of things we give ourselves! That was our case at least. When we purchased our current home, we were of the world's mind. "Let's stretch our money as far as we can so that we can live in the best possible home." And that's what we did. We bought a beautiful, new four bedroom, two-and-a-half bathroom home with everything we ever needed or wanted!


And while we were still able to tithe and stay out of debt (other than our home), we were limiting our ability to bless others with all that God has blessed us with. We were storing up treasures on earth instead of treasures in heaven. So our convictions led to a decision that we would put our house up for sale.

Thankfully, in a market that is struggling to keep its head above water, our home sold in less than two months. So with an almost empty house and a family that is patiently waiting to sign on the dotted line, I write with a semi-heavy heart.

This is our first home. We brought our second child home to this house. I can still recall the banner that was stretched out above the door way by our favorite neighbors that read "Welcome home Jack and Max!" The walls have familiar scratches and dents on them. There are fond memories in each room. The playroom holds a scratch where "someone" crashed a truck into the wall a little too hard. Jack's bedroom ceiling is decorated with marks from a toy that apparently took a ride on his ceiling fan at some point or another. There are scratches on the refrigerator where Jack rearranged his art work for the millionth time so that it looked perfect in his eyes. The bathtubs are scarred with paint where Max beat the heck out of his cars during bath time! Max also learned to love drawing while in this house, and he left countless masterpieces on doors and walls. And there are marks where Jason and I moved furniture together that clearly should have been moved by two men!

But despite all of the reminders that are so visible throughout our home, I can't help but be reminded that this home didn't create those memories. The four people that inhabited these walls for the last four years created them one day at a time. And regardless of where we live or what type of home we live in, our family will continue to create new memories and embark on new adventures together. The only difference is... this time we can bless others along the way!

There is a well-known verse that reads "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." (Matthew 6:20) I know that one day this house will cease to exist. I am confident that every box in my garage is just "stuff." But I also am sure that eternal life is everlasting, and there are countless people in our own county and around the world that DO NOT know anything of this free gift!

So as you count your blessings this holiday season and you seek out opportunities to bless others with what God has given you, I encourage you to be careful about leading others into the same worldly trap. Do not help people store up treasures on earth... those things have no eternal value. Look for opportunities that will allow you to share the greatest gift with those around you... the gift of eternal life in Jesus. One of the ways that Jason and I have recently done this is by giving to friends that are doing short-term missions. As Christmas approaches, many needy families will seek help in purchasing gifts for their children. By all means, help these people, but don't forget to give them eternal gifts... the others will all rust and pass away!

Don't forget this year to be thankful... after all, it is THANKSgiving. But don't forget that the latter part of that word is just as important... thanksGIVING! Take time to evaluate your treasures. Be sure that the majority of them are not tied up in earthly goods that are limiting your heavenly accumulation!

Happy THANKS and GIVING from my sweet little family to yours! I hope it's your best one yet!

If you are interested in supporting two of my friends, their names are listed below. Click on their names to be redirected to their Facebook accounts where you can find more information on how to help them. They are both still in need of funding for their trips!

Josh Harris- Josh is a college student at Mississippi State, and he was in Jason's youth group when Jason was in college. I can't say enough about how hard he works and how much God is doing in his life. As a seventh grader, Jason and I would pick him up for church, and he would always show Jason magic tricks. He now uses magic as a platform to share Christ with youth at summer youth events. He is going to East Asia at Christmas, and he is currently raising funds to support his trip. I can assure you that your money will be well-spent! If you are interested in sending a donation to him, you can click on his name for more information, or you can send a check to: Mississippi State Baptist Student Union, P.O. Drawer BU, MS State, MS 39762, in c/o of Josh Harris.

Robbie Comer- Robbie is a long-time friend of ours, and she is married to Jason's best friend. She has a passion for the people in the Philippines, and she will be traveling there in January. She is a mother of three and will be gone for two-weeks. If you're not a mother, I can assure you that she is sacrificing a lot for this trip! If you are interested in giving to her, you can click on her name to be directed to her Facebook page or you can click here to donate directly to her trip.

Thanks for considering these two worthy causes!


five on friday

1. Thanksgiving Break officially started today! Despite the fact that Thanksgiving isn't actually celebrated for another six days, tonight I had my third Thanksgiving meal of the season. The meal at my mother-in-law's tonight hit the ball out of the park! Though I enjoy turkey and dressing, I think we may have spaghetti on the actual holiday!

2. We went to the Brad Paisley/ Darius Rucker concert last night! It was lots of fun. Darius Rucker rocked it out! I could have listened to him from beginning to end! But one of my favorite parts of the night was the inebriated spectator that sat just a few seats over from me. What is it about alcohol that makes people think they can sing and dance? I had to share some video of this guy with you! He really made my night!

Concert Dancers from Sarah Marlin on Vimeo.

3. I made mention of a comment that Jack made about Jason last week. I take that comment back. Shortly after that remark, one of my students was hugging me in the hall, and she said, "Mrs. Sarah, you feel like a pillow!" The little girl behind her argued saying, "She doesn't feel like a pillow." The first little girl rebuttled by saying, "When you hug her, she feels soft like a pillow." As if that weren't damaging enough to my self-esteem, the other child said, "And she smells like a tiger." Seriously???? I failed them both... right there on the spot! I've since begun training with my class on how to say things like "WOW, Mrs. Sarah! You look skinny!" and "You smell like roses, Mrs. Sarah!"

4. In lieu of #3, I am thinking very seriously about exercising. I'm not terribly thrilled that I feel like a pillow! I wonder how much exercise you have to do so that you are no longer mistaken for a pillow? And would exercise make me smell less like a tiger or more like a tiger? And what exactly does a tiger smell like? Maybe I should think seriously about taking longer showers in addition to exercise. Hmmm... decisions... decisions!

5. I know I already mentioned that we are in the process of moving. We expect to close at the beginning of next week, so the packing has begun. So much for my relaxing Thanksgiving break! We are moving to an apartment for a little while... a two bedroom, one bathroom apartment! This family is about to get VERY CLOSE.... VERY, VERY, VERY CLOSE! Can you sense my anticipation?


five plus two on friday

1. I begin with an apology for not posting the last two weeks. Things have been CRAZY... and they don't seem to be calming down anytime soon.

2. I didn't write last week because I was out of town for a photography workshop. I learned two major things:
  • #1- I knew nothing about photography before I went.
  • #2- Next time I attend a workshop, I will study really hard before I go, so that #1 won't be quite so obvious!
3. Despite the fact that I was and still am lacking at my photography skills, I am photographing a wedding this weekend. I've NEVER done this before. All prayers will be coveted! Surely I can do this... right?

4. I know I've mentioned how great my mom is before, but I have to say I'm a Daddy's girl... and for good reason! My daddy drove 7 hours to help me do a few things around my house on Wednesday. He went home on Thursday so he could be at work on Friday. How many dads would do that? Not many! And while he was here, he folded my laundry, fixed Jack breakfast, brought me lunch, took Jack to lunch, and carried Jack back to Georgia so he could hang out for a few days! I bet my daddy could beat up your daddy... in fact, I'm sure of it! I love you, daddy! You rock!

5. Did I mention we sold our house? Well, we haven't closed on it, but we are hoping that is within the next week. Jason is rallying the troops (meaning me) to pack this house. I am not enjoying it at all! I hate acknowledging how much JUNK we are hoarding!

6. Speaking of Jason, Jack told him he had "dragon breath" the other night. That made me laugh.

7. Max is nearing three-years-old. Did your kids ever have a "phrase of the week?" Max does. This week it's "Where'd you buy that?" I have no idea where he learned that. Furthermore, I have no idea why he is asking it. Does he plan on running out to the mall and picking up a few items or what?