
what's for breakfast?

Food. Even though I don't cook, it's a big thing in our family. The boys like it ALOT. Most evenings right when we get in from dinner, the boys immediately ask, "Can we have snack?" Now we have never been very peculiar about what our kids eat. And fortunately, we've never had to. When your seven-year-old request raw carrots and celery as his prize from the grocery store, you don't have to sweat a lot about what he eats. He'd choose fresh fruit and vegetables over junk food any day.

Now Max is also a good eater. He will usually try anything, but there are times, when he prefers his own unique selection. He tends to make quite interesting requests at breakfast. Last weekend, I popped him a fresh bag of popcorn not long after 9:00 AM. And this morning was no different. He insisted on having an ice cream sandwich for breakfast. Jason refused at first thought, but shortly after, he was tearing that familiar white paper off of the chilly ice cream sandwich.

I know some of you paranoid, over-the-top mothers would "DIE" if you saw your child eating this for breakfast, so I felt like I needed to validate his choice for you. First of all, the main ingredient in an ice cream sandwich is milk, and we all know how good milk is for your body. Secondly, I compared it to the cereal that they normally eat, and it had less calories, sugar, and carbohydrates than any of them. And last but NOT least, he liked it! And he ate it! And his little brown mouth made me smile when he was finished!

So at our house, we're gonna stick to our guns about a lot of things, but what our kids eat probably isn't gonna be at the top of our list! Most of the time, at least one of two is making a good food choice. For example, not long after the little one devoured his ice cream sandwich, my oldest child entered the kitchen and said, "Can I have something normal for breakfast like toast?" See... I'm at not that horrible! At least one kid is going to be normal! :)
So, what's for breakfast at your house?

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