
it's all about the attitude

A few weeks ago, I made mention of a verse that I recently fell in love with:

9 And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment, 10 so that you can determine what really matters and can be pure and blameless in the day of Christ. (Philippians 1)

And since writing that, I have really started to evaluate my life. When I look back in years to come, I want it to be evident that I focused on "what really mattered." My evaluation has really opened my eyes to some things that need attention.... some simple and some that require lots of effort. But then I ran into a problem!

You see... as I was thinking about where I was and where I wanted to be, I couldn't help but think of one particular area. It's something I have prayed about for years. I recently received the answer that I was looking for and that verse solidified my decision. But as I thought about taking action regarding it, I realized, that even though I knew it was the right choice, it was the wrong time. So I did what most people do.

I pouted. Well... maybe I did a little more. The more I thought about it, the more it consumed me. Voicing my discontentment simply fueled my fire of unhappiness. Before long, I convinced myself that my life was a heck of a lot worse than it really was. Something had to change.

As I sat down to read my Bible this morning, I knew before I even began that my heart was not open. I was pouting about things not being MY way. I finished reading and I began emailing my accountability partner as I do each day. I wrote the saddest, most depressing email that I could come up with... about how I wanted things NOW and they weren't happening NOW and I was mad that they weren't happening NOW and blah blah blah and then.... I STOPPED!

I reread my words, and I had to pause. I'm a glass-half full girl! I didn't even know where those words came from. Why was I so down and out about one simple thing when I had a bazillion things to be happy about. And then it hit me. It's all about the attitude. You see- I can't change my circumstances right now. They are what they are and God intended them to be like this. But I am in control of my attitude. I can choose to focus on the things I cannot change, or I can accept where I am and serve God to the best of my ability while He works out His timing.

Though I long to walk gracefully as a Christian, I, too, stumble more times than I'm willing to admit. I am grateful for a God that loves me inspite of my ungrateful attitude. He has blessed my socks off, and I was reminded of that once again! So as I wait patiently for Him to carry out His plan for me, I have a new motto:

When I cannot change my circumstances, I can always change my attitude.


bring on the rain

I love a fresh summer rain. There's just something about it that reminds me of God's grace... how He washes us clean and makes us new everyday. I love to go out after a rain and look at His creation and how it seems to be revived with each drop that falls upon it. Photobucket
It wasn't long after we got Jack though that I realized little boys see nothing spiritual about the rain. They have only one thing on their minds when it begins to fall. It seems to beckon them to jump (and I do mean jump... not walk or step cautiously) in and stomp repeatedly. In fact, I believe it is impossible for a boy to walk around a puddle.

So today after our required Sunday afternoon naps, we ventured out in full gear to experience the wet stuff. Fortunately for our boys, the pavement in front of our house has settled and now creates two very delightful puddles that are perfect for a little fun!

Even with all the fun, the boys took time to have a deep, philosophical conversation, which I was able to catch with my camera. It went a little something like this:

(Max) Hey Jack. What are you doing? (Jack) I'm looking for worms.

(Max) I can look for worms with you. Ummm... I don't see any worms.

(Jack) Hey... I like your boots, Max.

(Max) Thank you. You have boots, too!

Okay- so maybe their conversations aren't all that deep and interesting! But in all seriousness, their simple little conversations remind me to cherish the simple things. Today they taught me quite a few things: 1. take time to do simple things such as looking for worms, 2. offer to help others, even if they are just looking for worms, 3. say kind things to those we encounter, even if their boots are a little obnoxious, and 4. always remember to say 'thank you' when others show kindness to you!

These puddles have provided many days of fun for us. I still remember shortly after we moved here when I looked out and saw Jack laying on his stomach in the road. Upon closer inspection I noticed he was licking water from these puddles. When I questioned him about it, he said, "I was thirsty and needed a drink!" You gotta love a boy! It's not their fault that they do things like this. They're just born to look at things differently than girls! The next picture says it all!
But I'm awfully grateful for these little boys that have graced my life! And I love the fresh new perspective that they give me on life! A few minutes with them has the same affect on me that a fresh summer rain has on my plants... I feel revived by each moment we experience together! So today, I say "Bring on the rain!"


five on friday

1. I started a new tradition for someone else... is that allowable? I ate at my mother-in-law's last night for supper! It was fabulous as always. She's a great cook, and last night was no different- ribs, homemade onion rings, slaw, and french bread! Her house is one of the few places where my boys get good home-cooked food. So I made a new tradition for her. I've invited myself back next Thursday! And I plan on eating there every Thursday night until I die... how's that sound Mrs. Delba? :)

2. While dinner was being prepared, the boys decided to swim. Jason's daddy, Mr. Jerry had to clean out the bugs, so Max undressed himself and found a place to rest while he waited. Thank goodness you don't eat the rind off of a watermelon! (Overlook the photo quality... I-phone through a window!)

3. I still have no wedding band. And I currently have no house cleaner. I tried to call them and complain, but they would never call me back. So I just called them back and axed them! They didn't seem to mind. It sort of made me want to call back and give them a little harsher firing. I at least wanted an apology, but I guess we don't always get what we want!

4. Jack and I had a date last night. He asked to sleep with me at the beginning of the week, and I rashly responded by offering to let him sleep with me on Thursday night! That seemed like a great idea until last night! He seemed to think it was fabulous! It was a two-for-one deal and somehow I got stuck with both boys in the bed, and Jason slept alone. Even though I listened to the snoring of a seven-year-old and felt the very boney feet of a two-year-old all night, I still think I got the better end of the deal!

5. I have been so blessed by my continued reading every morning. We recently finished Proverbs, and my friend suggested we move to Philippians. This morning I began in Chapter 1, and I loved verses 9-10:

9 And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment, 10 so that you can determine what really matters and can be pure and blameless in the day of Christ.

I love the part where it says "so you can determine what really matters." I've really been examining my life lately, often wondering if I'm making a difference. And that verse spoke volumes to me. I'm gonna begin picking apart my life and asking that question... does this really matter? Does it have eternal value? And if the answer is no, I may be kicking a few things to the curb to make room for the important things!


a survival guide

I dreamed of many things as a little girl. I spent many years sharpening my teaching skills on my Cabbage Patch Kids, because I dreamed of being a teacher one day. On other days, I was a mama to my dolls. I dreamed of being a mama to children of my own. I also role played with Barbie and Ken, and I taught her how to keep her man in line, because I dreamed of the day when I would have to the opportunity to straighten out a man for the better! And all of my dreams came true! But along my way, God threw in a few of his own dreams for me. And though I was adequately prepared for many of God's curve balls, one caught me especially off-guard!

Believe it or not, I never dreamed of being a pastor's wife! Quite frankly, when the possibility arose, I was positive that I wasn't made for that role! Recently, I was having a conversation with some friends about another person (who happens to be a pastor's wife), and they were telling me how great she was. Their exact comment was, "She's the epitome of a preacher's wife." So I had to rebuttal by saying, "Like me?" My friends kind of chuckled under their breath and changed the subject! Don't worry... they didn't hurt my feelings. In fact, I pride myself on knowing that God made me special and I don't have to fit a cookie cutter mold of anything as long as I am who God intends for me to be. And I'm the first to tell you that I'm not the epitome of a pastor's wife. BUT... along my ten year journey, I've learned a thing or two and I'd like to call it:


These are just a few of the many lessons I've learned along the way, and though I'm a long way from perfect, this should help you out if you find yourself in my shoes one day!

1) PRAY AND PRAY WELL- I was never really good at praying out loud. Actually, I would break out in a cold sweat when that time would come... you know... when someone starts to "find" the lucky person who is to pray aloud. I had long since honed the skill of not making eye contact which usually helped, and then one day it happened. Jason was asked to preach a trial sermon at a church and afterwards we were invited to a wonderful deacon's home to eat with his family. All 50 of them stood in a circle and held hands and the deacon said, "MRS. SARAH- WOULD YOU ASK THE BLESSING?" I froze. All I could think was, "50 of your family members are standing here, and a preacher for crying out loud, but you call on ME?!?!" I wish I could recall my prayer for you, but I have no idea what I said. For all I know I pulled out "God is great. God is good....." None the less, I learned my first lesson. You should learn to pray and pray well. THEY WILL CALL ON YOU!

2) VISIT- Of course the pastor is supposed to visit, but when he's first starting out, he will EXPECT you to accompany him. And unless you come up with something really good, you'll HAVE to go. But don't worry. He'll tell you exactly what to do. My directions were to always be the buffer. What is a buffer you might ask? The buffer handles ANY situation that might arise and need attention. I was to handle these situations so that the preacher could witness and keep the attention of the adults. Most nights this was a fairly easy job, and then one night, it all changed. First, we went to the home of a young family with a new baby. I was pumped about my role. I held that baby so Jason could talk to his parents and invite them to church. I loved that baby... until it projectile vomited all over my shirt. If that wasn't bad enough, the we moved on to the next home. Thank the Lord they didn't have any babies. There was only one seat so the preacher, being the kind gentleman that he is, took the seat and let me sit on the floor. Low and behold, their dog came in the room, and I went in to "buffer mode." I talked to the dog and stroked his head gently, and he apparently liked me. He proceeded to climb my body for the next 30 minutes of my life. And by climb, I mean he dug his nasty little claws in my body and scratched his way up. When he made it the top, he would gnaw on my scalp. I kid you not... I left bleeding. Of course, I'm no quitter so I moved on to the last visit of the night. This family had just lost their father. He was an older man, so his children were all gone except for one daughter with special needs. I knew she was my "job." So I spent the next hour sitting in a chair ROCKING HER! I was 22. She was 25. I was 5'4. She was nearing 6 foot. Need I explain more? Let me remind you that you need to learn to visit, but don't worry... You'll find plenty of things to do when you get there!

3. CREATE A TALENT- Every one knows ALL preacher's wives can either sing or play the piano. I didn't do either. So I had to make up one or the other. Well... sort of. I enrolled in piano lessons. To say that I became a pianist is a joke, but I can still play "Sweet Hour of Prayer" if the need arises. In those small country churches, you never know when your services will be needed. I would suggest learning a few more songs than me, because I'm afraid our first little church got sick of "Sweet Hour of Prayer!" But that didn't matter... their preacher's wife could play the piano and that made them happy!

4. BECOME A FOOD CONNOISSEUR- It's safe to say that I was a picky eater prior to becoming a pastor's wife. Seriously, I liked chicken fingers and not much more! But that wouldn't cut it in my new position. A few of our first church members often bragged of one of their favorite meals: Squirrel and dumplings. Thank the Lord I never had to endure that, but my luck did not hold out. Often times you are invited over for Sunday lunch, and we always hated not to go. Deep down though, I always wanted to ask what they were having before I committed my presence. My first bad experience was the day we had to eat "Kraut and Wienies." I'm not even sure I can tell you what that is, but I had to put some on my plate. Thank goodness that I have skills. I hid a little under my biscuit, split the remainder in half and scooted it around my plate so that it looked as though I at least touched it. But then my big day came. The men had been bird hunting on opening day, and I assume it's tradition to eat what you shoot. We were invited, and I was so happy to see chicken. But EVERYONE insisted I try the quail and pheasant. Hoping to get out of it, I found a seat with my chicken. But they were persistent and brought the quail and pheasant to my table, and they all gathered around to watch. Somehow, I dug deep in my pastor's wife body and I ate those birds. Fortunately, I lived to tell about it, and I added another tool to my belt. I became a food connoisseur in preparation for the next horrible thing I would have to eat!

5. HUMILIATION IS NOT AN OPTION- Face it... your life is now everyone's business. Even your private moments are at risk. You have become a constant SERMON ILLUSTRATION. When I do something stupid, I know immediately that it is subject to public knowledge. If the preacher can use it to teach someone a biblical lesson, he'll use it. In fact, even if you don't do anything stupid, the preacher will make up stories about you and you'll be forced to own them. I can't begin to tell you the numerous times I've listened to stories about myself, when I cannot recall actually having been a part of those events. I'm certain that either I suffer from amnesia or the preacher suffers from stretching the truth. But hey... it's all for sake of the Kingdom, and humiliation is not an option!

6. BE A MOTHER- Now there are lots of books out there about parenting, but I don't think any of them prepare you for this one. You aren't just required to raise children... you are required to raise "Preacher's Kids"... better known as "PK's". This is a very special talent and these skills can't be learned. I am certain these skills are part of a hidden spiritual gift. Your children are expected to do things differently than others. They should be able to run faster than any other child in the sanctuary. Their voices should be heard over all others when a quiet moment is in place, such as a prayer, a sermon, or the Lord's Supper. And after a service, they must beat all other children on the stage and be able to jump off of the 5 foot platform with little or no injury. Only then can you call yourself a mother of a PK!

7. LOVE ONE ANOTHER- The second greatest commandment seems so simple, yet I am certain it was written before church people were created. Of course, not all church people are harmful to your health. Many are like good medicine and make you feel all warm and cozy inside. But I think God created that second commandment because He knew "the others" weren't far behind. I assure you that He didn't give you these people to be a hindrance. He just wanted to give you plenty of opportunities to love others, especially your enemies. I know what you're thinking... you only want to drop-kick them. I know! Been there... done that. What you need is a punching bag for all your aggression. Spending a few moments on this at night will free you up to love even more! So never ever forget to... love one another! :)


In all honesty, being a pastor's wife has been one of the greatest blessings of my life, and though all of the things I just wrote are true, I still continue to be blessed by the people that we serve through ministry!

I would encourage you to seek out your pastor's wife this week. She may not be your best friend... heck, you may not even like her. But let me assure you she wears a lot of different hats for a lot of different people and though you may not see it, she's doing the best she can. And yes, the preacher that she stands beside may be a little rough around the edges, but she loves him flaws and all. And her main job is to support him- in the good times and the bad times. So tell her you appreciate her! I promise it'll make her day. Because she's more than "the woman behind the man in the pulpit!" She's the one that makes the man in the pulpit who he is... and if you don't like the preacher, imagine how bad he'd be without her! Just one more reason to hug her neck or pat her on the back! It's a lot harder than it looks! Don't believe me... reread #1 through #7!

~Sarah (the preacher's wife)


what's for breakfast?

Food. Even though I don't cook, it's a big thing in our family. The boys like it ALOT. Most evenings right when we get in from dinner, the boys immediately ask, "Can we have snack?" Now we have never been very peculiar about what our kids eat. And fortunately, we've never had to. When your seven-year-old request raw carrots and celery as his prize from the grocery store, you don't have to sweat a lot about what he eats. He'd choose fresh fruit and vegetables over junk food any day.

Now Max is also a good eater. He will usually try anything, but there are times, when he prefers his own unique selection. He tends to make quite interesting requests at breakfast. Last weekend, I popped him a fresh bag of popcorn not long after 9:00 AM. And this morning was no different. He insisted on having an ice cream sandwich for breakfast. Jason refused at first thought, but shortly after, he was tearing that familiar white paper off of the chilly ice cream sandwich.

I know some of you paranoid, over-the-top mothers would "DIE" if you saw your child eating this for breakfast, so I felt like I needed to validate his choice for you. First of all, the main ingredient in an ice cream sandwich is milk, and we all know how good milk is for your body. Secondly, I compared it to the cereal that they normally eat, and it had less calories, sugar, and carbohydrates than any of them. And last but NOT least, he liked it! And he ate it! And his little brown mouth made me smile when he was finished!

So at our house, we're gonna stick to our guns about a lot of things, but what our kids eat probably isn't gonna be at the top of our list! Most of the time, at least one of two is making a good food choice. For example, not long after the little one devoured his ice cream sandwich, my oldest child entered the kitchen and said, "Can I have something normal for breakfast like toast?" See... I'm at not that horrible! At least one kid is going to be normal! :)
So, what's for breakfast at your house?


five on friday

1. We lost something this week. I've dreaded it for a while, but I knew it wouldn't be long before it happened. Jack is persistent with his loose teeth!
2. My house cleaning was a total BUST! I'm going to call tomorrow to turn in my complaints, and in all fairness, I'll give it one more week, but if things don't get a whole lot better, I'll be looking for house cleaner #2!

3. Project of the Week- One of my co-workers is having a baby any day now, but her shower is this week at school. I made her two shirts... one for the proud big brother and one for the newest member of their family!
4. I registered to attend a photography workshop in November. Don't get me wrong... I'm not a real photographer. But I'm so hoping that this will get me one step closer to becoming one! Now if November would just hurry along, I'd be a very happy girl!

5. On Wednesday, my assistant and I had a brief moment to have a reasonable conversation. I noticed her wedding ring for the first time, so we shared stories about our rings. Today, however, I no longer have my ring... at least I'm missing the band. It's MIA! I'm pretty bummed about it, and the husband says I'll just have to deal with it! Boo you, Jason! I'm still holding out hope that it is somewhere waiting to be found, but things look bleak!



As we neared the close of our shopping trip, Jack had one last familiar request. He loves to look at the cakes in the bakery. He always chooses the one he's "going to have at his birthday next time." But as his window shopping ended, he returned to the buggy with a small cake in tow.

Life is full of celebrations... birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, triumphs, and accomplishments. But for the life of me, I could not recall a reason for us to celebrate with this cake Jack so strongly insisted on buying. And then it hit me... EVERY DAY is a reason to celebrate!

Let me name just a few:
  • We woke up today healthy and happy.
  • We returned home in the same shape!
  • We have great jobs.
  • We have been blessed with a beautiful home.
  • Our boys have a mama and daddy that love them to the moon and back.
  • Jason and I love each more today than ever before.
  • God has blessed our socks off and continues to amaze us with His faithfulness.
  • We both have families that love us and believe in us.
  • Jason and I have personal relationships with Jesus, and we are training our children up in the same way.
So as I looked at the cake sitting in the buggy, I was reminded of a scripture:

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

You see... we don't need a big, significant reason to celebrate. We should celebrate each day as though it may be our last. After all, every breath we are given is for a reason, and it is our responsibility to use them wisely and to make an impact on those around us.

So tonight, we lit the candle, blew it out, and we celebrated.
And these pictures only paint a small picture of the bazillion reasons our family celebrated tonight! Life is good! God is better!

So what are you celebrating? Don't wait for something monumental to come along... the small things are always the sweetest!


dear boys

I must have forgotten to tell you something. Your daddy and I decided long before we had children that our bed would only be for us. We never intended to share it with you. It's not that we don't love you. There are two main reasons.

Reason #1- Mommas and Daddys need their own bed.
Reason #2- Little boys need their own bed.

Of course, we have strayed from that rule from time to time. Jack, you were the first to steer us off course. When you came to our house, you left an orphanage, where you shared a room with 16 other sweet little orphans. I'm sure your new bed was just a little scary, and we felt sorry for you. In an effort to stick to our rule, we moved your mattress into our floor and you slept peacefully for a while until you were finally ready to move into your room.

And then we moved. We once again gave into our convictions, and you found a home on our floor for the second time. It didn't take long and you were ready to move up upstairs all alone, and we rarely see you anymore wrapped up in our sheets.

Then along came Max. We were determined to keep you in your bed. And we were pretty successful. You slept in a little cradle in our room for a few months, but we quickly moved you into your own bed, where you counted sheep each and every night. But that all changed one day. I'm not sure if you were scared, lonely, or just stubborn, but your bed became a nightmare for you (and us!) To keep us both sane, we allowed you to sleep in our bed for a few weeks.

But one night, you helped us create a Plan B. We were putting you both to bed, and Max crawled up on the pillow beside his big brother and demanded to sleep there. And you still remain there almost a year later. I think you both enjoy the company, and even though we have a bedroom for each of you, it makes me smile that you each drift off to sleep together each night in the same sheets, often times, on the same pillow!

However, there are those occasional nights that things don't go as planned. Max, you often cry early in the morning, and in an effort to get a few hours of extra sleep, we don't mind bringing you downstairs to snuggle until morning. But Jack, your visits are becoming few and far between. You are much braver now, and you don't seem to need our bedtime comfort as often.

But last night was an exception to all of our rules. Max aroused us early in the morning with his tears after fighting a fever for the last few nights. So, we quickly brought him to our room, where he wedged his little body under his daddy. I am convinced you couldn't sleep without touching another human body. And at 7, I was forced out of bed from lack of space to sleep comfortably. As I prepared to quietly wiggle out of the covers, I felt something I don't often feel... I felt long, boney legs in my back. And as I cleared my eyes to start my day, I saw a sight I don't often see... My sweet little Jack was curled in close to my body. And the two other boys in my life were close by on the other half of the bed.
Since I was already up, I had to grab my camera and capture this moment. I know these times are fading fast. In just a few short years, neither of you will be standing by my bed pleading to jump in and snuggle. I know I will soon forget the feel of your breath blowing repeatedly on my face while you sleep as close to me as possible. And I'll fail to recall the feel of your sweaty little body as I pry it off of mine as I sneak out of the bed.

So as much as I still believe in "the no children in our bed" rule, I loved waking up with you today! Thank you for climbing in and loving me. I hope you don't wait too long before you come again! I love you!



five on friday

1. Ironically enough, right after I cleaned my house from top to bottom, Jason decided we could have someone come in and clean! And she starts next Thursday! My heart overflows with joy at this thought! Of course I haven't seen her clean yet, but her price is to die for! I'm hoping it isn't too good to be true!

2. On another very ironic note, I made a discovery on the way to school yesterday. I saw where the tobacco/liquor store was advertising their latest deals... one of which was Silly Bandz. I confess that I am pretty conservative. But I had no idea I was so out of the loop! Do parents actually take their kids into a beer store to buy toys now? Dear Toys 'R Us... you need to step it up!

3. Project of the Week- I'm so proud I actually found time last night to make something. I intended all summer to get together some shirts to sell for football season, but apparently I had other things to do. I sat down and made one of a few shirts that I have in mind. Any of my "tiger friends" that are interested, please let me know! I've got a few more on the way!
4. We've had the opportunity to serve at 5 churches during Jason's ministry. Each holds a special place in our hearts. The second church where Jason served as Pastor has invited him to speak at their Homecoming on Sunday. It's been six years since we have been back, and I'm so excited to see what God has done since we've been gone! We had some wonderful friends at this church, and it will be so great to catch up!

5. My mom called yesterday to say that she appreciated my kind words about her on my blog. She also said she wanted to comment but wasn't quite sure how to do that. I was just proud she knew how to use a computer and find my blog. I love her lack of technological skills... Besides, if she got too advanced, she might think she was too cool for things like this:
Jack and I will take her just the way she is!

Hope your weekend rocks!


baring it all

My mom has come to town and gone, but her presence is felt every time I open a cabinet or closet. Though we usually spend our time together shopping or something fun, this time we went to work. My house was long overdue for some purging and cleaning. I'm not really a hoarder, but my cabinets were arguing otherwise!

We started upstairs where things were really the worst. Jason nor I venture up there very often and there's good reason. It's a land mine of toys, trash, and anything my boys can drag out! We usually tuck them in quickly at night and then rush downstairs praying all the while that we make it out alive! It was a little out of control. So we got busy making our piles of trash, consignment items, and yard sale items. As sad as it is, I had to let go of lots of those baby items that were no longer used and taking up space. My babies are now boys, and that's a hard pill to swallow! Luckily my mom was here to keep me focused on cleaning out!

When I finished upstairs, I was left with lots of closets, cabinets, and drawers that were breathing a sigh of relief that they were no longer bursting at the seams! We started with the hall closet... it was home to what seemed like a million sets of sheets, blankets, pillows, and bags. I'm not sure what I was planning to do with all of it, but it's no longer a concern. It's all ready to go into a yard sale, and someone else can use it to junk up their linen closet!
We moved from there to Jack's closet. I have two boys, and we are so fortunate to use hand-me-downs. Unfortunately, they are difficult to use if they are not organized, and I tend to get behind on packing them up. But this weekend I took time to catch up the last few years of clothes, and they are all ready to go for the next go round. They are packed and organized in boxes and labeled with their contents and sizes.
The boys never use their bathroom, but even still, I've managed to pack out all the cabinets with useless stuff. They are happy to only house things that are intended for the bathroom!

And just went I felt a sense of accomplishment, I entered the............PLAYROOM! Oh, the playroom! Playrooms are straight from Satan! I'm convinced of this after I began cleaning ours out! And my children have been possessed by it. I found some of the most interesting things in there stuffed in drawers and bins.... sippy cups, candy trash, forks, candy trash, single socks, and candy trash. I have a feeling my children are taking candy upstairs to eat when I'm not looking! After purging and cleaning, the toys are now organized and easier to find. I put all the toys in sorted bins which will hopefully help the boys KEEP the playroom clean! Yea right!
And then we went downstairs. It wasn't AS bad, but it still needed work! We cleaned out lots of cabinets and then I made it to my bathroom! I was seriously embarrassed of the things I was hoarding... I mean keeping! I think I found 10 bottles of lotion that had roughly a tablespoon of lotion in them each. I'm really not sure WHY I had all of them, but apparently I was preparing for a lotion famine in my near future! I swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and I threw them all away. My drawers are capable of closing now, and I can actually find the things I need!
I'm so proud that my house is clean enough to bare it all... at least for now! For the first time in a long time, I'd actually be happy for someone to "drop in" and I wouldn't immediately go into cardiac arrest!
But if you do decide to drop in, you are free to roam... but I warn you not to enter Max's room! All those items I so proudly cleaned out of the closets and drawers found their way to his floor, where they are awaiting a consignment sale and a yard sale... that won't occur until September! Good thing he doesn't sleep there anymore! :)
So what about you? Done any spring (or summer) cleaning? Mine was long overdue, but I"m thankful to my mom for pitching in and helping out! She's a fabulous housecleaner, but she makes an even greater mom! And I can't wait until September to finish the job! I'll update you when the clean-up is complete! :) Happy cleaning!


five on friday

1. I somehow stayed afloat this week. And by "stayed afloat," I mean I wore floaties, a life-jacket, and a swimming ring. You gotta do what you gotta do. Teaching kindergarten is not for the weak. I'm holding steady at 23 students... and for some strange reason, I actually LOVE what I do!

2. Since yesterday was the first day of school, Jason cooked supper. At first, I thought he was being kind to me, but now I think he was just afraid to take our very tired and super whiney children out in public for dinner! Regardless of the reason, it was fabulous. The menu consisted of shrimp and grits, fresh spinach salad, and french bread. He definitely makes up for my lack of cooking skills. In fact, it was so good that we ate it all... and we fed the kids spaghetti-o's! Poor kids!
3. My mom is coming to town today. She retired this year, and I'm so glad she can drop everything now and come any time I need her. The plans aren't written in stone, but I'm betting she'll take care of my kids, clean, do the laundry, and hang out with me while she's here. For those of you who just felt an overwhelming sense of jealously, I apologize... but she really is the best mom EVER! We can consider your mom the second best mom EVER if it makes you feel better! :)

4. I must write #4 in honor of Dawn Blankenship. For some strange reason, reading my blog inspired her to go in the attic, dig out a sewing machine, and attempt to learn to sew. After breaking a needle, two bobbins (didn't even know that was possible), and attempting to use a second sewing machine that was stored in the attic, she gave up and went with the handy-dandy, no-sew liquid that you iron on to create curtains in her classroom. They are fabulous... now we just have to teach her how to measure so that they are even!
***If you don't know Dawn Blankenship but you are concerned that I hurt her feelings by posting this, never fear! She laughs at herself better than any friend I've ever had!

5. Hands-down one of the best parts of my day is praying with my boys at bedtime. I love listening to Jack pray as he gets older. He is beginning to name things that are relevant to his day-to-day life and I love to hear him talk to Jesus. Max is a whole 'nother story. He has no concept of turns, so as soon as we mention praying, he begins spouting off any nouns that are located in Jack's room. He is incapable of praying with his eyes closed, due to the fact that he only prays for things he can see. Therefore, we pray every night for the bed, the pillow, the blanket, the Bible, and any person that is located in the room. None the less, it's the sweetest thing I've ever heard, and I'm grateful that my children are growing up learning to talk to God! I vow to video this one day and post it! It's quite entertaining!



I’m sad tonight! Tonight I say goodbye to my long days at home with my boys. Man… summer is such a trap. It hangs out there, luring you in, and makes you fall in love… before you know it, you’re hooked. Unfortunately, at the other end of the line (less than two months away) is your job waiting eagerly to drag you back!

Don’t get me wrong… I LOVE my job. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be writing this, because I’d be tucked safely away at home anticipating nothing more than another day at home with my boys. But this summer has been one of those that keeps me longing for more. We’ve done so much together, and I have no regrets of how we spent it!

We started each day like everyone else in the world. We watched cartoons, snuggled, and shared breakfast together. Many days we never even got dressed. My little one became quite accustomed to that part, and any time he saw me getting ready, he immediately asked, “Where are we going, Momma?” He knew his momma would prefer to stay in her pajamas ALL day unless she had something pressing to do!

We also did many other “required” summer activities, like swimming, picking blackberries, playing outside, blowing bubbles, and a million other things!

Many days, we had to strip at the door and head straight to the bathtub because our bodies were holding as much dirt as they could possibly handle!

Though we loved the ordinary, we were also so fortunate to get to do some pretty extraordinary things this summer. We got to experience Disney World, and that needs no explanation. It’s just magical… nothing more to say.

Another of my favorite things this summer was going to the beach with my parents. I’m so lucky to have such fabulous parents, and it’s so fun to see my kids spend time with them. We made lots of memories and I hope I’m half the parent that they have both been to me.

With that said, tomorrow is a new chapter. I embark on another year with a new group of students. I am CERTAIN that God has hand-picked the children that he will place in my care for the next 180 school days, and I am CONFIDENT that He will give me the kindness and patience and strength that is necessary to be a good teacher. I truly feel called to do what I do, and teaching is a part of every fiber in my body.

But as I say good-bye to that time with my boys, I also pray for those who will be in charge of them while I’m away. Jack will begin first grade, and Max will resume his place at a local daycare. I know they are both in good hands, but a mother can’ t help but struggle with leaving them everyday!

So I sit here tonight… finding myself leaving two LOVES for another, but I’m grateful for my boys and for my job! And deep, deep down, I’m excited to watch God write the new chapter. He’s done a fabulous job up to this point… why would He let me down now?

How about the rest of you? Do you find yourself struggling with the same dilemma? How do you balance a passion for your job with the responsibilities of being a mother?