
five on friday (cruise edition)

Last week, we took a family vacation. It was our first winter vacation, and to say it was delightful would underestimate just how lovely it was! While we were sitting on a beach swimming and soaking up rays, our town was experiencing yet another wintery episode. Today's five on friday is a run-down of our week at sea!

1. We boarded a Carnival Cruise on Monday. Although we knew Carnival had a reputation of being a "party boat," it was evident from the get-go that we were on no such thing! More than 50% of our shipmates were long past the age of retirement, and the remaining passengers were definitely not the partying type! Apparently, our ship was home to a Gospel-Singing Conference, but the witnessing tracts in the tampon dispensers were proof that we were not among many party-animals!

2. Well, that was true until Evening #2. As part of the evening dining room entertainment, the waiter drug me out of my seat to dance. Despite being mortified, I mustered up some non-rhythmic, white girl dance moves that are hopefully not etched in any person's memory. Luckily there is no video of my rug-cutting, but I do have one still shot of my debut to "Apple Bottom Jeans." The look on my face says it all!

3. Speaking of pictures... I was a little overwhelmed by all the photographers begging to take our pictures each night. Cruise pictures aren't exactly my style, but even if they were, who would need 8 million of them? We managed to dodge them each night, but many of the other passengers weren't so lucky. A few nights I sat back and watched the photographers at work. I don't claim to be a photographer, but I'm certain the next few poses were inappropriate for senior citizens. In fact, I'm not sure that a person of any age wants to have their head shoved in an artificial plant. Just a thought, sir... just a thought!

4. Our boat docked in Calica, Mexico and Cozumel, Mexico. In Cozumel, we shopped and hung out at the beach, but in Calica we went to a park and spent the day. Among many other things, we swam in a cool(as in chilly) underground river, saw a variety of wild animals/ sea creatures, and watched a tribal dance. Jack insisted on riding a boat that we had seen in the brochure, so we concluded our day with that. We had no idea they would ask us to ride silently or we might have chosen another activity. Silence with strangers is always awkward. Fortunately, some loud three-year old broke the muteness by proudly announcing "I POOTED!" In case you were wondering, there was only one three-year-old on the boat... and he looked a lot like this little boy (minus the cheetos):

5. And in conclusion.... I don't care what state, country, or continent I am on, I will never get used to this site. Grown men should not be allowed to parade around in this manner!



to my valentine

Elizabeth Barrett Browning once wrote a familiar sonnet that begins with the words, "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways." I couldn't let Valentine's Day pass without letting you know all the reasons that I'm still madly in love with you!

I love that you still love me after all we've been through. We've been through some life-changing things, and when you weren't walking right beside me through them, you were in front of me pulling me, or behind me shoving me forward. I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather travel through life with!

I love the way you tell the world that you love me. My heart smiles that you're not afraid to say you're still smitten with me! It just makes me love you even more!

I love that you go to work early so you can come home early and be with us. You've never loved your job more than me or our family, and that's a rare thing in today's world!


I love that you value our family- eating dinner together, wrestling with the boys, and doing life together! Our boys couldn't ask for a better daddy, and I'm grateful they know they are loved each and every day!



I love that you read often, use big words I don't understand, and teach me something new every day! I did have a higher SAT score than you, but after 13 years, I'm ready to say that you might be a slight step ahead of me!

I love when you get focused on something when you are working- you can't help but stick your tongue out! It makes me smile every time!


I still think you're the cutest guy around. I still like to stare at you after all these years, and when we're not together, I think about you all day long!


I love that you're a dare-devil... you'll try anything once. Sky-diving, bungee jumping, parasailing, tattoos, eating chicken hearts and beef tongue- nothing seems too extreme until you've tried it for yourself! It makes you who you are.

I love that you still make me laugh! If laughter really is the best medicine, then I'm guaranteed to live a long life! Whether I'm laughing at you or with you, I'm always sure to have a smile when I'm with you!


But of all the ways I love you, the thing I love the most is that you don't love me the most. The fact that you love God more is the very foundation of what makes us work like a well-oiled machine! I admire your commitment and conviction to follow Christ and to be a true example and leader for our family.

So this Valentine's Day you can be sure that I'm still your biggest fan! I'll cheer the hardest, love you the most, and travel the world with you! We've celebrated at least 13 Valentine's Days together, and I'm absolutely certain that they just get better! Happy Valentine's Day to the greatest guy around! I heart you.