
five on friday

1. I had to return something to Victoria's Secret the other day, and Jack was with me. I have one word for this trip... AWKWARD! He stood at the door frozen until I pulled him in. Who knew he was at that age? (FYI- I was returning body lotion. Scouts honor.)

2. While we were at the mall, Max somehow managed to lose his blanket. I can't tell how traumatic this would have been if that were the end of the story. Thankfully, a kind person returned it to the customer service desk, and our sanity was reclaimed! We found a similar blanket once that was the same brand and color, but they have different animals appliqued on them. The one Max loves has a dog on it. You can see it here: Max's Blanket. If anyone out there has an extra blanket like this, we will gladly take it off your hands as a spare! But remember... it must have the dog. There was time when this little boy didn't see a difference in monkeys and dogs, but that time is long gone!

3. The flu has hit our home for the first time. Jack woke up early Thursday on fire with fever, and the official diagnosis was followed by a very large purchase of Tamiflu. Everyone got a dose since our cruise is less than 10 days away. We didn't want to take any chances! I hope it leaves very quickly!

4. Have you heard of E-mealz? It's a site that plans your meals for you, gives you the grocery list, and it usually costs about $75 per week for a family of 4. The fee is $5/ month to join! Since we can NEVER think of anything to cook, it seemed perfect for us. We signed up for the Low-Fat meals from Wal-Mart, and the menus look great! We've actually eaten at home the last two nights! Next week's meals for our family will include Marinated Pork Tenderloin, Baked Spaghetti, and Gumbo! You should check it out!

5. I read a quote last week from a fellow photography friend last week, and I just had to share:

“Do something you really love that you would do anyway. Do it in the most adventurous place you can do it. And make sure that it helps other people.”

I think she said it was by Diane Sawyer's father (random, I know), but there is great truth in that quote! Why waste your life doing anything less?!?!


five on friday

1. It's a good thing I grew up in 80's when wrestling was the stuff, because it's the main event at my house lately. The boys can't wait to get home each night for fightin'! Apparently it makes you feel stronger if you take your shirt off because both boys tend to strip their shirts before the throwdown. It's usually 2 boys vs. Jason. I offered to be teammates with someone so the teams would be even, but evidently "I might get hurt"- or so I'm told! Little do they know, my big brother taught me some mean moves when I was little! They don't know what they're missing!

2. We took the night off from Wrestlemania last night and took the boys to Memphis to see Shrek: The Musical. It was fabulous. Is it wrong that my favorite part was a "burping" and "pooting" competition between Shrek and Fiona? I'm not usually one for bathroom humor, but it cracked me up. And the two little boys beside me found it awfully funny as well. It's possible that I laughed harder than they did, but you'll never know!

3. We were tempted not to go because there was a prediction of snow and icy roads. There was a little snow and a few rough spots in the road, but we made it to Memphis and back safely. Don't tell my teacher friends, but I secretly prayed for a snow day today! It seems those who wanted to go to school outnumbered me, but they probably weren't out watching Shrek until 12:30 AM. I'm too old for such foolishness, or maybe I'm too young for a job that starts at 7:20 AM. I'm going with the latter. Anybody know of a teaching job that starts at about 10:00 AM?

4. Have you seen the new TV spots that highlight different character traits? You can see them at Values.com. Jason thinks they are so cheesy! I, however, think they're great! It's okay if you think I'm old-fashioned. I still believe in all that sort of stuff- chivalry, random acts of kindness, manners, etc. I hope my boys grow up to know how important those traits are. And their daddy may pretend to think those things are corny, but I assure you- He's a great example of these things!

5. I mentioned the iPhone app Angry Birds a few weeks ago. I still don't love it. But I'll tell you what my new favorite app is: Fruit Ninja. I'm loving this game! You can't tell it by my high score (or by the fact that my seven-year-old has a higher score than I do), but I'm honing my skills. I'll be a force to be reckoned with in a few weeks.



Happy third birthday sweet boy! I'm amazed at how quickly you are growing and how you have changed from a baby to a boy- and somehow I missed it! I fondly recall your birthmother handing you over to me when you were only hours old, and suddenly I find myself looking at a wild, happy, lively boy that has few quiet moments! It's safe to say that the last 3 years have been nothing short of a blast! But this year has marked quite a few milestones in your life!

There have been a few goodbyes this year... mainly the goodbye to diapers! I appreciate that one more than you know! You were a breeze to potty-train, but I don't know why I expected anything less. You said goodbye to bottles, formula, and baby beds like a champ when you were a baby! This year you said goodbye to your first dog... and there is rarely a week when you don't ask about Baka and why she's gone. It seems you can't get her off of your mind even though she is not talked about! You also said goodbye to your first house. Unlike the loss of our dog, you have not mentioned our old house once since moving. It seems you have your priorities in order... understanding that our relationships (even if they are with four-legged friends) are lasting and worth mulling over, but material things are fleeting and need no second thought!

But all those goodbyes brought some pretty great new things your way! First, you have a "new house." Okay--- it's an apartment, but that's what you call it. And I'm not exaggerating that you love it! For the first few weeks, you cried every time we left it! And after almost three months of living here, you still adoringly refer to it as your "new house!" You were also introduced to another new home when you went on your first sleepover... and with a girl no less! In your book of friends, there is none closer than Maggie Brooke, and it was fitting that your mommas finally gave in and let you have a slumber party! Among many other things, you found a love for water and swimming, rode an elephant, developed quite a vocabulary, and won our hearts for the millionth time!

Your daddy and I pray for you daily (both of you for that matter.) We pray that above all the things you have to say goodbye to and all the things that you welcome in to your life that you fill your God-shaped hole with Him and only Him. We want nothing more than to cultivate a life that will lead you straight to a relationship with God! You and Jack are both miracles to us, and we take our responsibility of guiding you very seriously! I hope that your next year of life is more joyous than any before! We love you to the moon and back!

As you embark on your next journey, here's a little advice from your momma. Get used to it- I have lots more where this came from!

1. Smile and laugh a lot! Some days you'll be center stage, but when you find yourself off to the side of the action, smile for others! I promise you... your smile is enough to light up a room no matter where you stand!


2. When you can't find anything to smile about and the world seems hopeless, take a deep breath. Reevaluate the situation and give it all you've got. Rest in the fact that God will never give you more than you can handle.


3. Know the difference between things that matter and things that don't. Don't be afraid to blow off the things that have no eternal value!


4. Things will not always go your way! Learn that early!!! And when you don't like the outcome, feel free to cry and fall apart, but do it quickly.


5. But when the let down is over, pick your self up, put on your big boy underwear, and fight for the things that are valuable to you!


6. Savor the good days and make lots of memories! They are the moments that will carry you through the bad days!


7. Work hard and get dirty! Life is not about handouts. If you want it, work for it!


8. When things seem unclear and you don't know what to do, pray. I know that sounds cliche, but it works. Trust your momma on this one! You're living proof!


9. You can't have your cake and eat it, too. What's that mean? It means you'll have tough choices in life. You have to discern when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. But you can't have it both ways! Choose wisely!


10. Let your light shine! You're a special little guy, and you have a ton of great qualities. Show them to the world, but use them to make a difference! No one likes a show-off so use them to bless others!


Happy 3rd Birthday, Max! You are loved.


five on friday

1. Today is my baby's birthday! He's three. I still remember the call that his birthmother was in labor, the frantic packing, the LONGEST trip of my life to see him, and holding that sweet baby on his first day in this world! He brings a million smiles to my face each day! Happy Birthday, sweet boy! I love you to the moon and back!

2. The other news of the day is my parents are coming tonight! What does that mean to you? Nothing! What does that mean for me? EVERYTHING! Free meals, fabulous babysitters, and great company while Jason is away!

3. Jason is out of town speaking at a Disciple-Now weekend! Many prayers going up for him! I know he'll do great, but I sure miss him when he's gone!

4. Snow. That's been the other big news around here this week. Three days off from school and lots of white stuff have made for a fun week! We had such a good time playing in it, but now I'm a little over it! I could use a dose of sunshine and warmer temperatures. Here are a few pics from our fun...





5. On a spiritual note, I'm reading Radical by David Platt. Looking for a good kick in the butt in your spiritual life? THIS IS A MUST READ! I warn you in advance that it's brutal, straight to the point, but just what we ALL need to hear! Grab a copy and let me know what you think! I don't think you can read it and remain the same.... CONVICTION is its middle name!


five on friday

1. Detox is no fun. I've given up diet coke, and I assure you that my four days without it are nothing short of a miracle. There's only one thing harder than giving up diet coke.... learning to like water! I'm trying- I really am. But there's just no chemistry in the relationship. I'm determined to make this work but I've got a long way to go!

2. Coincidentally, we booked a cruise this week. All the more reason that I need to drink more water, eat nothing, and tan this body! So much to do in 31 days! How will I ever get it all done???

3. To help keep my mind occupied, I replaced my diet coke addiction with a new addiction. Because Jack has some fabulous grandparents, they chipped in and bought him a new dsi xl. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm addicted to Super Mario Brothers. I could literally stay up all night playing it. Thank goodness Jack doesn't mind. He is quite satisfied to sit right beside me and cheer me on when I do great things and tell me how horrible I am when I die! Children are so honest!

Jack and I are usually so intrigued with our game that we hardly notice the war going on right in front of us!

4. Daddy, this one is for you. Almost a year ago, Jason and I joyfully planted a mandarin orange tree at our old house. Our bubble was soon popped when my dad told us it was way too cool in Mississippi to ever grow oranges. Guess what? He was wrong. I took these pictures at Thanksgiving when we moved from our house, but I just found them when I was cleaning off my camera card and had to share.



In all fairness he was probably right. Unless you like mandarin oranges that taste like an incredibly sour lemon, you might want to steer clear of growing oranges in Mississippi.

5. While looking through a pictures from an older camera card, I found another picture that I had forgotten about. Why is that the photographer misses all the cool things? :)